For a movie centred around such an absurd plot, Kathal: The Jackfruit Mystery surely is brimming with a myriad of questions, isn’t it? Created by the infamous director Yashowardhan Mishra, this latest Indian-based Netflix satirical dramedy is a punch at caste differences and political chaos ensued by some high-positioned officers. Mishra’s father, who is a well-renowned name in Indian cinema serves as a co-written along with his son and together, they have brought this dark comedy to life.
Set in the fictional town of Moba, the film begins with two Uncle Hong breed jackfruits being stolen from the house of a self-centred MLA, Munnalal Pateria (Vijay Raaz). The case falls on the shoulders of a fearless cop, Mahima Basor (Sanya Malhotra). Along with her team, Kunti Parihar (Neha Saraf), Saurabh Dwivedi (Anant Joshi)–who is also her love interest–and Mishra (Govind Pandey), Mahima embarks on a journey to find the thief. Don’t you want to know about the thief who stole the precious Uncle Hongs? Here are the answers!
Kathal: The Jackfruit Mystery Ending Explained
After a thorough investigation, Mahima finds out that Pateria kicked out his gardener, Birwa, out. Initially, she believes it is Birwa who stole the jackfruits but when she finds out, his daughter, Amiya is kidnapped, Mahima coerces Birwa to lie. Both of them narrate a false story to the media in which they put the blame on Amiya so that Mahima could prioritize searching for Amiya over the jackfruits.
Saurabh, using his clever intelligence, digs up the mobile records from the nearby mobile tower. In that report, he finds out about three non-local numbers. They were active in that area at the time of the theft. Mahima, Saurabh and the rest of the team pull out the truth and discover a trio of local jobless youngsters who worked for the suspect, Chandulal. Following this lead, Mahima traces Amiya and the gang who was about to sell her like a commodity. Thankfully, Mahima saves Amiya in just about time.
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Is Mahima Suspended?
When Amiya is brought back to Moba, she is the prime suspect and is likely to be put behind bars for stealing Pateria’s precious Uncle Hong jackfruits. But that doesn’t happen. Birwa accepts that Mahima forced him to put the blame on Amiya and the judge gets as confused as furious. When asked about the reason why Mahima did so, the answer she comes up with strikes a chord with the judge and everyone else.
She did it because Pateria appointed the entire team for his personal cause when there are several more important cases left for the police to solve. Impressed by her sharp wit, the judge lets both Mahima and Amiya get unscathed. Mahima is not suspended, even if initially that was supposed to be the case. Moreover, Angrez establishes a department for Mahima to lead and promote her. He finally embraces Mahima’s talent and doesn’t take away her credit.
Does Saurabh Find Out About Mahima’s Deal With Angrez?
One major issue Kathal: The Jackfruit Mystery deals with is the orthodox men’s superiority that’s still prevalent in many districts–and countries. Saurabh, who is a constable, is constantly burdened by his father regarding the same. He keeps taunting Saurabh, claiming that Mahima is his senior and will always have the upper hand in their relationship. This didn’t only affect Saurabh deeply but weighed down Mahima and Saurabh’s relationship, too.
So, in order to free themselves of this baggage, Mahima struck a deal with her senior officer, Angrez. According to this deal, Angrez will have to promote Saurabh after Mahima solves the jackfruit mystery. And he keeps his promise by promoting Saurabh but he ruins her plan–which he was unaware of–by promoting her, too. Now that both of them are promoted, their designations might have upped but the issue still stands.
Mahima is still Saurabh’s senior and his father still has a reason to try and belittle their relationship. However, Saurabh and Mahima don’t care about this orthodox perception and embrace each other the way they are. Now that both are promoted, the disbalance is still intact and Saurabh is still unaware of the deal.
Who Is The Thief In Kathal: A Jackfruit Mystery Ending?
That’s the major question, isn’t it? Who stole the jackfruits? Are they found?
Mahima and her entire team spent days searching for the thief, the journalists, especially Anuj, tried their best, too. But when Mahima redirected the case towards Amiya, everyone assumed it was her who did it. They believed that a human is responsible for the theft, that is not the case though. If it isn’t a human who did that, then who is it?
Well, the answer is quite simple. It was some hungry monkeys who stole the jackfruit. They feast on it at the end of Kathal: A Jackfruit Mystery. The credits roll down as these famished monkeys feast on the jackfruits that caused such a ruckus.
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