Akatsuki no Yona or Yona of the dawn is a fictional anime series that was adapted from a novel, both of which share the same name. it was written by Mizuho Kusanagi and produced by Pierrot studios which are currently working on series such as black clover and boruto. The series had a season 1 which was released a long time back and since then the fans have been anticipating the release of season 2. The show has gathered quite a huge fanbase along with great ratings and reviews from anime critics.
The show is mainly based on the concept of an exiled princess who is on her journey with her bodyguard while they search for 4 mighty warriors who lead the foundation of the kingdoms, a concept quite relatable to the anime titled seven deadly sins. Season 2 of the anime hasn’t received any update from the makers of the show yet, and with the current scenario in hand, it can be considered to be canceled as the show wasn’t a source of much profits, and the studios have got much more profitable shows in hand. The mangaka surely wanted to continue the anime series and thus there is also a chance still remaining for the show to release and there is no lack of content in the manga to work on for nearly 2-3 more seasons.
Akatsuki No Yona Season 2 Release Date
Season 1 of the series made its debut in the year 2014 in Japan with two more ova episodes which came out in 2016. The first season of the show has a total of 24 episodes. Season 2, though it hasn’t been officially canceled yet, there are very few chances for its renewal at this point. Even if the makers take a decision to continue the anime the second season making will take nearly a time period of 1 year and thus, we can expect its release in 2023 if an initiative is taken in 2022. The second season of the show is predicted to have a total of nearly 18 episodes and each episode will have a runtime of approximately 25 minutes just like the previous season’s episodes.
Akatsuki No Yona Season 1 Release Date | October 7, 2014 |
Akatsuki No Yona Season 1 End Date | March 24, 2015 |
Akatsuki No Yona Season 2 Release Date | Not Confirmed |
Akatsuki No Yona Season 2 Story
The storyline of the show mainly dates back to nearly 2000 years, when the crimson dragon god came to earth from heaven, in the nation of kouka, at that time humanity was completely on the verge of destruction and becoming evil. The crimson god decided to fight against the evil humans and save humanity, it was a tough fight and evil humans were nearly winning, then took the side of the crimson dragon god, four other dragon gods in the form of humans and saved humanity, though crimson dragon god dies the four lead the foundation of the human tribe to grow under the wings of the sky, earth, water, wind, and fire. In the present time, the story concentrates on the princess of the kingdom of kouka.
She lives her life like any other princess, far away from the outside world in the crimson dragon castle and she is often visited by her long crush and son of her father’s brother, yoo-hon, the conditions of the kingdom are again not well and evil sits in the mind of most. Soon a week before her sixteenth birthday, yona is forbidden by her father to continue with the idea of marrying yoo-hon and the deadly night of her sixteenth birthday occurs the coup d’etat where she sees her father being stabbed by yoo-hon. We soon see the princess be exiled with her bodyguard hak and on the journey to find the four mighty warriors who once saved the nation from the verges of evil.
Akatsuki No Yona Season 2 Story
If the anime series follows the content of the manga, we have already seen that yona has met with the four dragons and that they are ready to help her to gain back her kingdom and the story will proceed with the upcoming war that will happen between the dragons and the treacherous yoo-hon.
Akatsuki No Yona Season 2 Trailer
Akatsuki no Yona or commonly known as yona of the dawn has received only one season yet and there has been no announcement regarding the second season of the show, thus we also haven’t received a trailer from the makers yet. Till then the previous season is available on websites such as anime tv and is surely worth a watch.