El Candidato is a television series of Mexican origin having its roots in politics and the thriller genre. The creator of this Prime video show is Peter Blake under the production of Televisa. The director of this prestigious show is Jaime Reynoso and Humberto Hinojosa Ozcariz. Though the original language of the series in Spanish, it is also available in the English language. It’s not a kinda series that require days to finish, rather it’s a miniseries having only 10 episodes. The star cast of this show includes proficient actors like James Purefoy, José María de Tavira, Eréndira Ibarra, Joaquín Cosío and Esmeralda Pimentel. This series was a television series at first but then its rights were bought by Amazon prime video and it got premiered on the Prime video platform on 17 July 2020.
El Candidato Season 2 Release Date
The official update about the release of El Candidato season 2 is yet to be announced but the buzz in the OTT market is that the makers of El Candidato season 2 considering the success of the first season are thinking about releasing the show on prime video in March 2022.
But these assumptions won’t gonna lead to the release of the second season of El Candidato but it is the willingness of the creators and producers of the show if they want to continue the legacy of the first season or just keep the audience in suspense for now. But don’t be disappointed!! Because Liveakhbar will always keep you up to date by providing the latest updates regarding the release of El Candidato.
El Candidato Season 2 Plot
Since the climax of the first season of El Candidato, our heroine Eréndira Ibarra along with her co-actors in the show was preparing for the war. The meanings of all the relationships and bonds she used to share with her loved ones were destroyed. Now all this crap was of no significance to her! So the plot of the second season can be the new troubles and hurdles that will appear in the way of our heroine Isabel to finish the antagonists. The second season’s plot will be very interesting if made because now Isabel has lost herself and she has to discover herself along with fulfilling her duty.
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El Candidato Season 1 Recap
The first season of El Candidato was the introductory season most of the part of which was utilized for building up the characters properly. Now since all the characters are in their right place, the story can take any twist whatever the plot be. The first season started with the introduction of CIA agent Isabel Alfaro who doesn’t resemble a government employee just doing her duty. Rather Isabel is a keen observer who notices even the smallest of details. As the storyline moved forward she meets CIA veteran Wayne Addison to grab the collar of Narco smuggler and dealer Rafael Bautista.
But she goes on with her investigation along with her colleague, she finds that all those illegal activities also involve Eduardo Yzaguirre who is also her ex-boyfriend and the cleanest mayor of the city. Now the trouble in front of Isabel is to decide whether she would solve the case keeping aside all her personal interests or let the fact that Eduardo is her ex interfere in her case investigation. Now that’s the matter of choice and you’ve to watch the show to calm down your curiosity. Though Wayne Addison work as the lead actor but Isabel’s performance steals the show.
El Candidato Season 2 Cast
In the first season of El Candidato none of the lead actors were killed but there was just a dispute of thoughts which can be resolved. So we can expect all the actors of season 1 to be repeated in season 2 of El Candidato. The tentative star cast for season 2 of El Candidato includes the following actors-
José María de Tavira, Joaquín Cosío, James Purefoy, Eréndira Ibarra, Bret Harrison, Esmeralda Pimentel, Kerry Adra, Sofía Sisniega, Luis Alberti, Francisco de la Reguera, Hernán Mendoza, Cassandra Sánchez Navarro, Sofía Espinosa, Ernesto Godoy, Aída López, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Tizoc Arroyo, Valentina Buzzurro, Martín Rojas, Macarena Achaga, Rodrigo Correa, Mario Loría, Claudette Maillé, Ofelia Medina
This star cast is just tentative because there are no official announcements from Amazon Prime Video regarding the release of the second season of El Candidato. Since there is no update of the release of the second season, obviously there is no update about the star cast as well. But no need to worry!! Coz The Liveakhbar team won’t let you down and will provide you with the latest updates regarding the second season of El Candidato as soon as possible. Till then, Be safe and healthy!
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