A trailblazing tale of vengeance, The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon is essentially a Seinen manhwa. It revolves around a betrayed soldier, Hyuk Woon Seong who embarks on a journey of justice for himself. Helmed by Il-Hwang, the Korean manga narrates his tale of overcoming anguish and wreaking havoc on his enemies. Even though he swore retaliation and went on to punish his adversaries, he ambled far away from small battles. Now Woon Seong is caught in the cavern of intense secrets and rebels wreaking havoc on the cults.
The manga has been teasing an impending war since its initial release in 2018. Now, the said war seems to be inching closer. This is probably why The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 release date has become highly anticipated.
The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 Release Date
The author, Il-hwang and illustrator, Gom-guk, began serializing The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon as a webtoon initially. Later, they revamped it into a manhwa that now boasts over 200 chapters. It has also been translated into the English language which is alternatively titled Divine Astonishment and Heavenly Demon Reborn.
Several speculations regarding the manhwa being adapted into an anime has been flourishing from a while. The creators haven’t yet confirmed the rumours though. However, they have confirmed the release date of the upcoming iteration. The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 has been scheduled for release on January 26, 2023. It will be available on the Kakao Page in the Korean language under the alias, Shinma Gyeongcheongi.
The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Manga Overview
“Only your actions keep the harmony in life… That’s what you have to rely on!”
The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon began with this profound comment and a curious vigilant, Hyuk Woon Seong. Hyuk was a disciple of the successor of The Artificial Spear Cult aka The Spear Master Sect, who was on his path to embracing the throne. Both of them were accused of learning the forbidden Demonic Art by the members of the Orthodox Sect. These cult members later slaughtered Seong and his mentor brutally.
However, Hyuk was resurrected back to life by the “artefact of the Spear Master Sect” as Number 900. His position was degraded to a mere trainee at the Demonic Cult but Seong accepts his new role with a mission. He aspires to take over the Demonic Cult and exert vengeance on the leaders of the Orthodox Sect. As Hyuk begins working on his objective, he realizes that there are several battles he has to conquer before he can reach his ultimate goal.
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The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 Plot
Throughout the 200 chapters, Seong went through several phases. He has undergone martial arts training with keen feverish and has gradually climbed the ladder of power. From bleeding profusely to battling armies, Hyuk has developed an authority in this “heavenly” landscape. Now, he has overcome the challenges imposed on him by the leaders of the Demonic Cult.
In the previous chapter, Seong summoned the entire Demonic Cult, and they pledged allegiance to him. However, instead of blatantly accepting their admonition, he asked them to reconsider their decision. Seong further reinforced his statement by urging them to stay only if they yearn for revenge as much as he does.
Seong has now claimed the title of the Demon of the Heaven and the war with the Murim Alliance is at its peak. The upcoming iteration, The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 will unravel Seong’s intentions behind referring to the battle as a “memorial service” instead of a violent bloodshed. Moreover, it would unveil Seong’s strategy of exerting revenge on the Orthodox Sect, now that he has become the leader of the Demonic Cult.
The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 Release Date: FAQs
It is an action-adventure manga that chronicles a mercenary, Hyuk Woon Seong’s journey of exerting vengeance.
The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon is helmed by Il-Hwang and illustrated by Gom-guk.
Yes, it has been adapted from an eponymous webtoon.
Yes, it is confirmed.
The Chronicles of Heavenly Demon Chapter 221 will be released on January 26, 2023.
You can read the manga online on the Kakao Page.
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