Monster Girl Doctor is essentially an ecchi anime, developed by Arvo Animation, renowned for the fantastical A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special. It has been directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki with the screenplay being helmed by Hideki Shirane. The anime, as its name implies, revolves around a lamia (Monster Girl), and chronicles her journey of weaving through the aftermath of the war. Despite the ardent theme, the anime doesn’t walk down the lane of intensity. It keeps the series frivolous, often nicking at the edges of intensity to maintain its lightheartedness.
Of course, it trudges along the same realm as Monster Musame but it is quite a contradiction from the latter’s subtle approach to world-building. The creators go the extra mile to resonate with the audience. Yet, yet, Monster Girl Doctor Season 2 doesn’t seem to be happening.
Monster Girl Doctor Season 2 Release Date
Adapted from the Japanese light novel series, Monsutā Musume no Oisha-san, the anime premiered on July 12, 2020. It premiered on Tokyo MX, KBS and BS11 for over a month until September. Meanwhile, Yoshino Origuchi’s eponymous light novel was simultaneously published by Shueisha and Seven Seas Entertainment. The twelve-episode anime didn’t break any records or garner the attention of millions. However, it certainly appealed to the niche audience, leaving them demanding more. Yet, the creators don’t seem interested in a sequel.
Origuchi announced the completion of the light novel and decided to continue with only the manga. His proclamation arrived just a while after the final episode dropped on Crunchyroll without any cliffhangers on September 27, 2020. It has been over 3 years since the anime concluded and yet, the creators haven’t hinted at a sequel. It seems like the chances of Monster Girl Doctor Season 2 are slim to none. However, the creators are yet to release an official cancellation message.
Monster Girl Doctor Series Overview
Monster Girl Doctor is essentially a fantasy comedy anime that deals with the repercussions of a tragic war and microcosm creatures. It takes place after the said war between humans and monsters concludes. The battle has destroyed a major share of both the species and what’s left is forced to endure the aftermath. Amid such a scenario, Dr. Glenn Litbeit and his lamia assistant, Saphentite “Sapphie” Neikes aspire to run a clinic. Meanwhile, the two species try to put the war behind them and co-exist in harmony.
Glenn, renowned for his calm demeanour, continues treating the monster species including the “immortal dragon”. On the other hand, Sapphie, who happens to be his childhood friend, starts managing medicine production. She was initially a political hostage in the war but originally hails from a family of merchants. She was sent to the Litbeits early on and has been ensuring peace ever since. As it happens, Sapphie harbours a keen interest in medicine and feelings towards Glenn. However, Glenn shies away from reciprocating Sapphie’s affection and aspires to first pay off his clinic first.
The anime revolves around this premise and keeps introducing new monster characters into the Sapphie-Glenn blend. Be it a mermaid singer, Lulala Heines, to a cyclops, Meme Redon, the anime introduces multiple such mystical creatures throughout the twelve episodes. Eventually, it concludes on an ecstatic note with Glenn and Sapphie finally embracing their feelings.
Monster Girl Doctor Season 2: FAQs
It is a fantastical anime set in a mythical universe where humans and monsters coexist after a long war. It chronicles a doctor, Glenn Litbeit and his assistant, Sapphie’s tale of helping the patients and embracing their feelings.
The anime has been created by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and helmed by Hideki Shirane.
No, it isn’t confirmed yet.
Monster Girl Doctor Season 2 hasn’t been confirmed yet. Due to the same, there is no release date available.
No, there is no trailer available yet.
You can stream the Monster Girl Doctor series online on Crunchyroll.