A K-drama centred around the mystery teen genre, Solomon’s Perjury premiered in late December 2016. Ever since its debut on JTBC, the drama has garnered the attention of millions of viewers. The director, Kang Il-soo, has brought in a blend of multiple veteran and rookie actors with the ensemble led by Kum Hyun-soo. It is based upon Miyuki Miyabe’s eponymous bestselling novel, which already has a Japanese show under the same name along with a two-part movie series. However, the writer, Kim Ho-soo has incorporated several distinct tropes to make this thriller drama shine as a trailblazer.
But despite the warm reception towards the series, the creators and the production house, iWill Media haven’t yet approved the sequel. So, is Solomon’s Perjury Season 2 in the cards? Here is your answer!
Solomon’s Perjury Season 2 Updates
The twelve-episode drama by The Kingdom of the Winds director took the audience by surprise in 2016. It was considered to be a relatively repetitive show early on. However, the show introduced several arcs that cemented its position in the blockbuster K-drama list. As the director, Kang II-soo mentioned in a post-screening interview, “The trial takes place five times. During the drama, there is spring break as well. The trial will probably take up a lot of time. We hope through the trials to get to the big truth by revealing new things each time.”
“Many people are aware of the original ending, but we might choose to go that route and we might not. Already the cause of the murder is not the same as the original. The background story is similar, but the decisive factor is different,” he concluded. The interview witnessed several cast members, who hinted to the audience about their characters subtly. The most noticeable comment was from Seo Young Joo, who embodies the most silent character, Lee So-woo. He enunciated, “That kind of reaction is surprising. I don’t choose roles where I die early on purpose. I choose roles that I want to do and feel are a challenge, but they end up dying early on. It’s hard to get into the right emotions for those kinds of roles, but I recover by meeting up with friends afterwards.”
The actors and creators went on to explain their roles but unfortunately, none has ever mentioned anything about a sequel. The debut season has wrapped up the entire storyline and Kang II-soo doesn’t seem to have any intention of reviving the series. So, Solomon’s Perjury Season 2 doesn’t seem to be happening in the near future. However, a spin-off seems plausible given that the series boasts an intriguing character ensemble.
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Solomon’s Perjury Series Overview
Solomon’s Perjury is set in an elite Korean high school, where the Christmas bells are jingling as students prepare for the holiday. But, their sheer ecstasy is ruined by the sudden death of their classmate, Lee So-woo (Seo Ji-hoon). As the investigation rolls in, the officers are convinced that So-woo committed suicide. However, before they can wrap up the case, Shin Se-hwi (Lee Joo-ri), another student, claims that So-woo has been brutally murdered. Just a while later, she gets stuck in a car accident and the entire school is momentarily rendered flabbergasted.
The school becomes the centre of media attention as the officers struggle with catching the true culprit. The parents along with the teachers become defensive and start ignoring the students. To combat the situation, these schoolgoers, led by their president, Go Seo-yeon (Kim Hyun-soo), decide to take matters into their own hand. They begin investigating So-woo’s death and eventually host their own trial to expose the truth. As they are thrust on the pedestal of the trial, their tight-knit friendship is threatened and each of their dark secrets is revealed.
Solomon’s Perjury Season 2: FAQs
It is a thriller K-drama centred around the murder of a high schooler, Lee So-woo. It chronicles the trial conducted by the rest of the students and unravels the mystery surrounding his death.
Solomon’s Perjury has been created by the Emperor of the Sea’s director, Kang II-soo.
No, it isn’t confirmed yet.
No, Solomon’s Perjury Season 2 hasn’t been officially cancelled either.
No, there is no trailer available for the sequel. However, there is a teaser available for the debut season.
You can stream Solomon’s Perjury online on Disney+ Hotstar.
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