Mercenary Enrollment, also known as Teen Mercenary, is one of the most popular weekly military-themed manga drawn by Rak Hyun and written by YC. Studio JHS began producing and distributing “Mercenary Registration” on the NAVER series book and comic publishing platform on November 6, 2020. Ultimately, Korean comic publishing site Navar Webtoon took over publishing.
Yu is an alien who lost his parents in a plane crash when he was eight years old and was forced to become a juvenile mercenary to survive. Ten years later, he returns to South Korea to reunite with his family, where food and housing are abundant and all seems peaceful. Ijin soon discovers that surviving as a teenager is a whole other challenge. With one year left in high school, Ijin must devise new strategies to survive the school battlefield. Will he be able to survive his freshman year in high school? Or can schools accept it?
Mercenary Enrolment Chapter 100 Release Date
The Mercenary Enrollment Chapter 100 release date is planned for September 3, 2022. Fans have been eagerly awaiting the next chapter of Mercenary Enrollment. We highly recommend using official sources. Read the manga online on the manga platforms to support creators such as
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Mercenary Enrolment Chapter 100 Characters
Yu Ijin, Yu Dayun, Koh Sukjoo, Shin Yuna, and Shin Jiyeh.
Mercenary Enrolment Chapter 100 Story Predictions
Lee Jin is very conscious of his privacy and his family and school life (in fact, he was so upset that Shin Yoon Ah and Ko Suk Joo intruded on his home life that Shin Has been very rude and blunt to YoonA, almost ruining her relationship with her younger sister Yoo Da Yoon Lee Jin, who will probably continue to go to great lengths to protect his family’s life and privacy. Like Shin Yoon Ah. Her careless behaviour nearly destroyed his family life, so he kept his distance. Because he is secretive, he answers questions with mostly terse answers. He also prefers to decline invitations to dinners where people feel obligated to eat with people in the PC van. A convenience store or at home. Interestingly, political figures such as Senator P Kim Houses and wealthy businessmen are not portrayed very well in the manga. The gang bosses are also not portrayed very well, with the exception of one character, Cha Doo-Shik, who is “somewhat” friendly to Ijin.
When Lee Jin was 9 years old, he and his parents were involved in a plane crash. Though Lee Jin survived, he became an orphan and was stranded with the rest of his family. The foreigner underwent rigorous training, and for about eight years as a first-class mercenary, he was active in the world’s most severe battlefields.
He then rescued a Korean Major named Kang Ham-chan and his team, as well as a doctor, Andrian Ken, during a rescue mission. Kang Ham-chan tracked down Ijin’s family and helped him retire. He currently lives in Seoul with his grandfather and his sister.
Mercenary Enrolment Chapter 97 Recap
The next episode of the manga Mercenary Enrollment was eagerly awaited by its fans. To support the creator, we encourage you to read his Mercenary Enrollment Chapter 98 on his website at or our company. The first release of a new chapter on recruiting mercenaries. The book Mercenary Registration explains how to become a mercenary. When Yoo Yi Jin was young, he was the sole survivor of a plane crash. He returns to his hometown to visit his family, Ten years after surviving as a mercenary. The main character is a Korean boy who lost his parents in a plane crash. Finds a boy in his teenage years in a war-torn part of the world, where he becomes a famous mercenary (yes, we know how ridiculous that sounds). Children want to reunite with their families and live in peace with them. This young mercenary is ready to use all his military expertise to protect his family.
Where To Read Mercenary Enrolment Chapter 100 Read?
To read the Mercenary Enrollment, fans can visit their website