Offspring is an Australian television program that was aired on Ten Networks from 2010 to 2019. It is a comedy-drama series created by Debra Oswald, John Edwards, and Imogen Banks. Rick Maier and Rory Callaghan are the executive producers and John Edwards and Imogen Banks are the producers of the show. This television program follows the story of the life of an obstetrician, and her family and friends as they navigate the Chaos of modern life, Offspring combines conventional narrative drama and comedy with flashbacks, graphics, and fantasy sequences filmed in Melbourne’s inner north.
The story of the show was narrated by Asher Keddie. From the period time of 15th August 2010 to 30th August 2017, the show released 7 seasons in which there are 85 episodes, and each episode is 40 to 45 minutes long. During this time, Network Ten has all the rights to the show. In May 2011, TV executives were so impressed by the quality of the two-hour telemovie that Ten turned around and turned it into a 13 episode series.
In 2014, just a few days after the fifth season finale airing, John Edwards announced that Offspring would not be renewed for the sixth season due to Ten’s cost-cutting measures in production. However, the series was renewed for another season in 2016, with production starting on April 25 and running until 16th June. The maximum original cast returned to the show alongside some new cast members as well. The 7th season of the show was filmed in Melbourne in March 2017 and then aired on Network Ten on June 28, 2017.
Offspring Season 8 Release Date
After the release of the seventh season, fans thought there will be more of it because the same happens in 2014, before the release of 5th season, as we have mentioned. In November 2017, Network Ten chose not to renew the show any further. However, they didn’t officially announce that the show got canceled, they were just on a wait after this long-running show. Maybe it’s a test like whether people are getting bored of the show because making it unnecessarily long can ruin the essence of the show, maybe that is the reason why the viewership falls after some seasons. Season 6 got an average of 0.921 million views which is the lowest of the show.
By seeing this maybe Network Ten decided to stop the show, just wait until a good script came. Maybe that is why Network Ten did not officially cancel it. So, basically, they are on hiatus, and what if they decide to make season 8, when will it hit the screens? Our best guess is that it will take some time and can be released in early 2024 or mid-2024. So, that’s all the news we have got, for now, if we get any further information related to the show’s season 8 cancellation or renewal, we will make sure to update the page with the latest information.
Offspring Season 1 Release Date | 22 August 2010 |
Offspring Season 2 Release Date | 16 May 2011 |
Offspring Season 3 Release Date | 18 April 2012 |
Offspring Season 4 Release Date | 22 May 2013 |
Offspring Season 5 Release Date | 14 May 2014 |
Offspring Season 6 Release Date | 29 June 2016 |
Offspring Season 7 Release Date | 28 June 2017 |
Offspring Season 8 Release Date | Not Confirmed |
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Offspring Season 8 Story
The story revolves around 30-year-old obstetrician Nina proud man played by actress Asher Keddie, her family, and friends. It shows her struggle as she tries to deal with the many challenges of modern living. Offspring is an uncommon show with elements of romance, single motherhood, family, and career complexity that hold the attention of viewers. Additionally, it reflects the modern lifestyle of the young professional women with graphical animation, flashbacks, and imaginary sequences.
Offspring Season 7 Recap
Dr. Nina made a very tough decision that left everyone in a stunning state during the final episode of Offspring season. She decides to resign from St. Francis Hospital. Throughout the episode, she was in a dilemma as to whether or not she should leave. Filming actually was not so melodramatic as a frequent narration with animation, flashback, and everything sequences-related. The character of Nina Proudman is described as professional, bold, and career-oriented.
Offspring Season 8 Cast
Asher Keddie as Dr. Nina Proudman, Kat Stewart as Billie Proudman, Deborah Mailman as Cherie Butterfield, Richard Davies as Jimmy Proudman, Linda Cropper as Geraldine Proudman, Eddie Perfect as Mick Holland, John Waters as Darcy Proudman, Dan Hany as Dr. Chris Havel, Alicia Gardiner as Kim Akerholt, Lachy Hulme as Dr. Martin Clegg and Jane Harber as Zara Perkich Proudman.
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