Rokudu’s Bad Girls is an amazing manga series, that was brought up by the manga writer Yuji Nakamura in the year 2016-2021. With its increasing fans and popularity, the manga was decided to be adapted as an anime in the year 2023. With the release of a mere 12 episodes, the anime lasted from Apil to June of the same year 2023. This anime adaptation of the manga, even caught the eyes and hearts of several fans, as much in its manga and novel form.
But what’s in the plot of the series attracts several readers and audiences not only from Japan but from the entire world. Is it just its plot or even the cast? Well, to know more about it, you must come and watch the series, but before that continue reading this article. This one is way more interesting and exciting for the fans of the anime. We have covered every small point of the anime’s plot its characters and the voice artists in the series. So let us not waste much time and move back to the important panel of the article, illustrating the anime series.
Rokudo’s Bad Girls Season 2 Release Date
The series released its anime adaptation in its official phase with 12 episodes completely from April 2023 to June 2023. Almost a year passed and season 1 of the show, has been terminated fas are continuously demanding for its second season from the makers of the anime of the series. But what is the news from the makers, is it positive or negative? Well, there’s no news either positive or negative for the series fans. They have yet not made it clear to the fans of the anime if they will be seeing the series or not. And if yes the scheduled date is even not sure. So fans will have to wait for the series’ second season. But till then you can enjoy reading this article.
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What Does The Anime Cover?
The series revolves around a timid, and fragile first-year college boy Rokudou. He studies in a school of delinquent students and is always bullied by people who pass by him. He along with his two friends, the Manager, and the Colonel in the restroom of the college desire to live a bully-free life. But this seems to be impossible for the three until a golden opportunity approaches the protagonist of the tale.
Rudoku is attended with a parcel sent to him by his long-dead grandfather, who had some tricks and cast spells to acquire and win over demons and evil spirits. In the earlier days, they happened to be demons, but now in the modern days, these demons have been replaced by bad girls. These bad girls will fall in love with Rokudou as he sees them in their eyes. For instance, he was not able to find the powers and use them on himself. But one day while he was again bullied by his seniors on the college campus, a girl named Himawari fell in love with Rokudou and started speaking on his behalf. this is how the three friends started to live a happy life with no tensions and no bullies as they have every time.
Characters Of The Anime
The anime Rokudou’s Bad Girls has a long list of characters and voice artists behind it. The character involved is the protagonist weak boy Tousuke Rokudou, who gets his ancestral power to change his situation in the college by casting spells on the bad girls to fight for him. Joining him is his friend, Ranna Himawari who falls in love with the protagonist due to his powers. And she always goes fights around with people who bully Rokudou. The others joining them are Rukodou’s friends, Masaru Hinomoto nicknamed “Colonel” and Kouta Kijima nicknamed “Manager”, Haruya Iinuma, Sayuri Osanada, Tsubaki, Azami Himeno, Minami Yamabuki, Sachiyo Sakura, Ling Lan, Yui Yashiya, Douji Matsugamiya, Sumire Triplets, Amano Sumire, Raino Sumire, Kazeno Sumire, Erika Otohime, Sachiko Sakura, Aoi Furukawa, Mizue Tsuyukusa and many more are involved in the anime’s character list voiced by different voice artists.
Where Is The Series Streaming?
The series “Rokudou’s Bad Girls” is streaming on Crunchyroll for all its fans to watch from all over the world.