Renowned as an epic genre mélange, Nano Machine has established itself as a pioneering manhwa in the past two years. It revolves around an orphan, Cheon Yeo-Woon and his sudden encounter with nanomachines and martial arts. The Shoujo manhwa blends the sci-fi trope along with fantasy and action, all the while maintaining a subtle emotional backdrop. It delves into multiple story arcs and delivers an overall compelling even if a bit complex plot that has propelled the manhwa to grow immensely. Due to the author, Han Joong Wueol Ya’s exceptional storytelling skills, the manhwa has captivated millions of monthly viewers.
These fanatics are now wondering whether Han Joong Wueol Ya has confirmed the Nano Machine Chapter 177 release date. If you, too, are caught in the same dilemma, dive in!
Nano Machine Chapter 177 Release Date
Wueol Ya began serializing Nano Machine as a webtoon in January 2020. It boasts over 400 chapters to its name and is recognized as Wueol Ya’s finest work so far. Moreover, the webtoon has been accumulated into multiple tankōbon volumes that are available in the Korean language. Though the author has been actively translating the webcomic into the English language, the majority of chapters are yet remaining.
Later on, in 2021, Han Joong collaborated with Geumgang Buddha Ingot to adapt his webtoon into a manhwa. Nano Machine is currently hosted by Naver Comics but only 172 chapters have been made available by the author. Similar to the webtoon, the manga has not been translated either. Though some websites do host the unofficial dubbed version, Wueol Ya has yet to streamline the translation process and release the English version of the manhwa.
However, both, Wueol Ya and Geumgang have maintained a steady publishing schedule for the Korean raw scans. Due to the same, Nano Machine Chapter 177 is expected to be released on November 1, 2023, in the Korean language on the Naver Comic platform.
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Nano Machine Manga Overview
Nano Machine is a sci-fi manga that revolves around an orphan from the Demonic Cult, Cheon Yeo-Woon. He has been despised throughout his life for being the illegitimate son of Chun Yujong, the trailblazing martial arts expert. All of his six sons have harboured deep animosity for Cheon, forcing him to live as an orphan. Despite facing dejections continuously, Yeo-Woon kindles hope for a better future which is soon destroyed by heart-wrenching realizations.
Yeo-Woon discerns the identity of his father and the reason behind his abolishment. However, he is unable to stand against the beckoning force that is his half-siblings. He begins receiving death threats and is obliged to camouflage his identity. But before the anonymous criminal fulfils his threat, Yeo-Woon’s descendent from the future injects a network of nanomachines into his body.
He is rendered immobile for a while before becoming a lethal force, capable of destroying schemes and devising effective plans. The nanomachines enable him to heal passively, extract any knowledge and gauge people’s reactions instantly. Despite the newfound prowess, the question before Yeo-Woon remains the same; will he ever achieve the same dignity and honor his half-siblings do?
Nano Machine Chapter 177 Plot
With the succession war looming above his head, Yeo-Woon begins training in martial arts. He garners a loyal following and soon emerges as a majestic warrior but is unable to compete against the six cults established by his half-siblings. Oblivious to the fact that his father, Yujong, is amnesiac and hasn’t abandoned him, Cheon continues preparing himself for the inevitable battle.
Surpassing every hurdle thrown his way, Yeo-Woon has established himself as a prominent soldier. Though his family dynamics are still tumultuous, his combat skills have been honed thoroughly. Due to the same, Cheon will emerge as a great martial artist in Nano Machine Chapter 177.
Nano Machine Chapter 177 Release Date: FAQs
It is a sci-fi manga centred around Cheon Yoo-Woon, who embarks on a journey to establish himself as the rightful successor of Chun Yujong.
Nano Machine is penned by Han Joong Wueol Ya.
Yes, Nano Machine is adapted from a webtoon.
Yes, it is confirmed.
Nano Machine Chapter 177 will be released on November 1, 2023.
You can read Nano Machine online on Naver Comics.
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