Originally released as a light novel series, Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita has been adapted by several mangas and animes. Also entitled, I Became The Sword By Transmigrating and Reincarnated As A Sword, the manga follows the journey of a human reincarnated as a sword. This isekai manga has its roots sprawled across several genres including fantasy and adventure. It is due to the author, Yuu Tanaka’s creative imagination that has aided the manga in amassing an extensive fanbase. The storyline is conceptually similar to several thriller mangas and animes such as That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. However, it is the character-developing skills demonstrated by the author that makes it stand apart.
The manga has been stacked in thirteen tankabon volumes which is currently ongoing. It has kept the fans hooked to it, especially with the release date dilemma going on. But now, Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita Chapter 70 release date has been officially confirmed!
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita Chapter 70 Release Date
Yuu Tanaka released the first novel in October 2015 which was published by Shōsetsuka ni Narō. Seven Seas licensed a spin-off light novel and currently has 15 volumes to its name. The manga debuted the same year in late 2016 and was also licensed by Seven Seas. Tanaka, in association with Seven Seas, released a spin-off manga, Reincarnated As A Sword: Another Wish, in 2020. It concluded in 2022, in the same year an anime adaptation by Shinji Ishihara premiered on Animax Asia and other local networks in Japan. This twelve-episode anime has already been greenlit for a sequel, similar to the upcoming Chapter 70.
Tanaka has his hands full fill with the light novel series, manga and anime filming. This is why, the manga has had an erratic schedule. No concrete release dates for any chapter are officialized until Tanaka has either completed or is halfway through completing penning his idea. Due to this, fans are always on the lookout for concrete release dates for the upcoming chapters.
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita Chapter 70 is scheduled to release on September 1, 2023. It will be available in both, Japanese and English, on Comic Boost.
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Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita Plot Synopsis
After a deadly car accident, the anonymous protagonist is reincarnated in an alternate world which is shrouded by all sorts of mystical creatures. Instead of being revived as a human or even any of these creatures, he finds himself resuscitated as a mobile sword. He hasn’t lost his memory but struggles to remember his name and accept his fate. As he wanders into the forest to seek a wielder who could help him gain more powers, he accepts his fate and aspires to become the mightiest sword.
On the other hand, Fran, an orphan Black Cat-girl child, is attacked by a bear. She utilizes the sword to defeat the bear and decides to keep it to herself as long as she’s on the run. Fran was initially sold as a slave after her parents’ demise. And now that she has been presented with the opportunity to escape, she grabs it instantly. Both Fran and Teacher, as the former refers to the sword, embark on a tumultuous journey after the bear incident.
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita Chapter 70 Storyline
Ever since the incident, Fran and Teacher have been strengthening each other. They have been through several scenarios and helped each other through dark phases against numerous archnemesis. With the aid of Teacher, Fran has become the most skilled swordswoman and is now being hailed by many. Moreover, she has acquired several magic tricks and has now become a reputed name in the town.
In the previous chapters, Tanaka introduced a new story arc, namely the battle between The Scarlet Maidens and the bandits. Fran has helped the Maidens break free of the bandits and salvaged all the slaves. What remains to be seen, in the upcoming chapter, is whether bandits retort against Fran.
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita Chapter 70 Release Date: FAQs
It is a fantasy manga centred around a reincarnated sword and its swordmaster, Fran.
The manga is penned by Yuu Tanaka.
Yes, it is adapted from Tanaka’s light novel series.
Yes, it is confirmed.
It is scheduled to release on September 1, 2023.
You can read Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita on Comic Boost.
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