Fans Are Still Left Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5: Will BBC Approve Luella And Frank’s Return?

BBC’ Shakespeare And Hathaway has been one of those curiosity-fueled series no one can resist. Call it a sitcom or a comedy-mystery, this series guarantees a heartfelt laugh. Helmed by Paul Matthew Thompson and Jude Tindall, this series, true to its name, is centred around a detective. However, no matter how symbolic the name of the series appears to be, the reality is a hundred miles away from it. This is by no means a tribute to the legend, Williams Shakespeare and his wife, Anne Hathaway. Neither the series’ protagonist is a beard-laden, English wizard crafting poems, plays or tragic love stories.

Instead, Shakespeare And Hathaway is centred around a spy and one of his former clients. It is the alluring charm of the series that fans aren’t able to let go of the series despite its four-season run. If you are one of those fans, looking forward to hearing more about Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5, here’s your chance!

Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5

Featuring EastEnders’ Jo Joyner and Barbara’s Mark Benton in the titular role of Luella Shakespeare and Frank Hathaway, the series is every bit hilariously absurd as you might expect. Oh, and the surname switch is a punch of drama on its own as it is. The first instalment in the series premiered on February 26, 2018, and so far it has enjoyed four seasons on the screen. The last season was broadcasted on February 14 with the last episode being saved for Christmas Eve to premiere on 16 December 2022 on BBC.

So far the makers haven’t specified any details regarding Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5. The finale episode didn’t leave many cliffhangers in its wake. This is not to say, the series is nearing its finale but the possibilities that Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 will be greenlit are slim. Though it hasn’t been long enough to gauge the makers’ plans, it seems there are none so far. If the series is greenlit soon, expect Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 to drop on BBC by late 2024.

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Shakespeare And Hathaway Series Overview

Private investigation is a lucrative career only for the likes of James Bond. For detectives like Frank Hathaway, it is a stressful rollercoaster ride which sadly, doesn’t ascend. To keep his investigation agency ongoing, Frank resorted to debt and now he is neck-deep in loan. When Luella Shakespeare employs Hathaway to investigate her fiance, Clive, things start to appear less bleak for his career. However, as Frank and his only employee Sebastian Brudenell (Patrick Walshe McBride) investigate Luell’s fiance, they conclude he’s a liar.

Luella is informed of the same but is later convinced by her fiance that it is just a cover and the two end up getting married. The next day, at their wedding reception, he is shot dead. Now, Shakespeare, Hathaway and Brudenell set out to investigate Clive’s sudden death. This case opens up the doors to their friendship and solves Frank’s money issues. Luella offers Frank to join his agency as a partner and the latter reluctantly agrees.

Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 Plot

Though fans have always wanted to witness Frank and Luella’s relationship develop furthermore, the makers do not share their sentiments. They want the two to be best friends and solve crime investigations whilst supporting each other through thick and thin. Adding a romantic angle has never been on their radar and if Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 is approved, they’ll certainly skirt away again.

Staying true to the genre and charm of the series, Thompson and Tindall would likely instil the trio in more dynamic situations. Since the pattern of the series is more episodic, nothing could be said for sure for Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5.

Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5: FAQs

1. What Is The Shakespeare And Hathaway Series About?

It is a comedy mystery series centred around the spy trio, Luella, Frank and Sebastian as they operate a private investigation agency.

2. Is Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 Approved?

No, it isn’t approved yet.

3. When Will Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 Premiere?

Though the series isn’t approved yet, it is expected that Season 5 will premiere in late 2024.

4. Who Created The Shakespeare And Hathaway Series?

The series is created by Paul Matthew Thompson and Jude Tindall.

5. Is A Trailer Available For Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5?

No, there is no trailer available for Shakespeare And Hathaway Season 5 yet.

6. Where To Watch The Shakespeare And Hathaway Series Online?

You can stream the series on BBC One entirely.

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