War Sailor Review And Ending Explained- Brutality At Its Peak; Genocide Of The Norwegians!

Flipping through the pages of history, we found ourselves trapped in the year 1939! Seven months before the second deadliest war began. Thousands were killed, hundreds traumatized and many more never returned home. Gaining victory over World War II was indeed one of the most significant moments for England and all the allied forces out there. This 3 episode limited Netflix series reminds us about the time when the Norwegians were tortured to board the warships. The sailors were literally forced to stick to the stringent conditions prevailing on the ship! And then, comes the ultimatum, the nerve-wracking air strike done by the German forces! “War Sailor” is currently streaming on Netflix and here is everything you must know about this epic series. 

War Sailor Review- Brutality At Its Peak; Genocide Of The Norwegians!

"War Sailor" Review- Brutality At Its Peak; Genocide Of The Norwegians!

No mercy was shown, the poor died out of hunger and the ones who were brave enough to sail on the ships lost around 7 years of their lives! You will be shocked to witness how the Germans invaded Norway and how more than 680 Norwegian ships were lost during the battle!  This story mostly centers around the lives of Alfred Garnes, his wife, Cecilia, his three children, and his best friend, Sigbjørn Kvalvåg. 

This story reminds us of the brave Norwegians who fought on the frontline. The Allied forces wouldn’t have won the war without their help and strength. A common man along with his best friend decides to board the warship, this is where it all began! Alfred, nicknamed Freddy, has only one thing in mind, he must do something to help his family, he has to work hard to feed his three children and he must earn the money to make their future secure. 

Nothing comes for free, especially when you are aware of the deadly circumstances of your town. Thus the two friends decide to become sailors and this is where they learned that a sailor sees his worst nightmare during war days. It couldn’t get any worse than this, they began their course in 1940! Sailing through the Atlantic Ocean wasn’t easy at all, especially when you are aware of the strength of the German force. On one hand, the duo was doing everything to stay alive while on the other hand, Freddy’s family received the news of his death! 

They too were victims of the air strike. They saw how their whole crew was bombed and wiped off by the Germans. They tried their best to save their friends. And how could we overlook the scene when Alfred climbed down the rope to save Aksel? The fourteen-year-old boy was picked up by Freddy and nourished into a strong man! But alas, he died within the second episode of the show! This particular Netflix series truly shocked us to the core! By the end of War Sailor Episode 3, we understood how drastic a war can be and its varied impact on one’s mental health and well-being. 

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War Sailor Ending Explained – Alfred Garnes; The Man Who Lost His Whole Self In World War II

"War Sailor" Review- Brutality At Its Peak; Genocide Of The Norwegians!

It was 1945 when Garnes decided to leave the hospital! He was petrified at the news that his whole house was bombed by the Germans. He couldn’t think any further. On the other hand, Sigbjørn tried a lot to find his friend but at last, he decided to deliver the ultimate news to his family. Cecelia and her children had no idea that Freddy was alive. But when Kvalvåg told them that news, they didn’t react at all! For the past 8 years, they didn’t see him and then a few years back before their house was bombed, they learned that he had died in the warship. 

The children were growing up and Cecelia knew that she had to work hard to feed them all. She couldn’t fall weak! The family along with Sigbjørn decided to move on from this sudden shock. The series took a massive turn when we saw a romantic angle between Cecelia and her husband’s best friend! But Cecelia’s emotions were justified enough when you think of the fact that for all these years, she didn’t hear a word from Freddy. But then comes another twist in the tale, when Kvalvåg got the suspicious letter! Finally, in 1948, they found some leads on the whereabouts of Freddy. 

Thankfully, Alfred Garnes was alive and surviving in Singapore but by that time, he was already half-dead inside. Kvalvåg did what he had to do, handed some money to Garnes, cleaned him up, and told him to go straight to Askøy, where his whole family was waiting for him. But even after returning home, Garnes couldn’t come back to his normal terms. The youngest of his children, Olav even failed to recognize Alfred as his father. The war had eaten him alive. He was so weak that Freddy couldn’t even get a mediocre job for himself. Not only that but even after serving so many years on the warships, he was stated to be a troublemaker. So many years lost and yet the horrors of wartime continued to scare him. To learn more about the series, head directly to Netflix, all three episodes of War Sailor are now available there. 

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