Tokyo Demon Bride Story (Dai Tokyo Oniyomeden) is a manga series serialized in Shueisha’s Shonen Manga Magazine (Weekly Shonen Jump) from the 5th of September 2022. It filled in the spot left by Gen Oosuka’s Doron Dororon. It has a mixed genre of supernatural, action, and romance. The character design and introduction were made in a way that the series itself seems likable and fun to watch. The story of the series basically revolves around a promise the main protagonist of the story made to the female protagonist who is the Devil Princess of a certain forest the protagonist visited as a child.
The anime was rated 6.4/10 with the rank as #9789 and popularity as #20235 by My Anime List and it was termed as an anime that has established a good foundation and has a lot of potentials.
Tokyo Demon Bride Story Chapter 8 Release Date
The series was published on a Monday, 5th September 2022 but since then it has been releasing its latest chapter weekly on Sundays. Keeping up with the cycle of this release the 8th chapter of Tokyo Demon Bride Story would be released on the 23rd of October 2022.
Tokyo Demon Bride Story Characters
Since it is a new manga only a few characters other than the protagonists have been introduced.
Jinta Hanafuda (Male protagonist), Manakado Ji (Female protagonist), Matsuri Hanafuda (Jinta’s older sister), Tsumugi Hanafuda (Jinta’s younger sister), and Ms. Yoshihashi.
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Tokyo Demon Bride Story Chapter 8 Story
It is a story based on the traditional concept of Devils and forest caretaking spirits. The story begins by introducing the demon girl who is traveling to Tokyo in search of a 17-year-old boy named Jinta who once saved her life and promised to marry her. Jinta was somebody who was working multiple part-time jobs all the time just to make ends meet.
He lived in a little broken-down house in Chuo Ward, Tokyo with his two sisters Matsuri (the older one) and Tsumugi (the youngest). The demon Manakado Ji shows up at his front door declaring that she has come for ‘Sir Jinta Hanafuda’ and that she hasn’t seen him for 10 years to which Jinta reacts with a statement he believes to be true that he must be dreaming.
He lets her in hoping she would leave soon unaware of the fact that she is going to make him sign a cohabitation contract shortly. He seems to have forgotten about Manakado and later remembers her when he saves her from drowning. She tells Jinta that he is a sacred blood and he tends to attract spirits of all types. She says she will stay by his side and protect him from these spirits as his wife and ends up making him sign the cohabitation contract with a tenure of one year and it states that if any of them were to disregard the contract they were to turn into frogs for 90 days.
Tokyo Demon Bride Story Mangaka
Nakama Tadaichi is the mangaka of Dai Tokyo Oniyomeden and other manga series like Mahou Shounen X and Tokyo Grind Horror Channel. In 2015 at an age of 20, his first work was officially published. The name of which was a one-shot manga named ‘Alien Sage’ that revolved around an apocalypse.
He was the winner of the 98th Jump Treasure Newcomer Award and ‘Maho Shonen X’ was his entry work for the 12th Golden Future Cup back in 2017. He lost that cup to Masaoki Shindo the mangaka for ‘Ruri Dragon’. His manga ‘Tokyo Grind Horror Channel’ appeared in the Jump GIGA 2019 Summer Volume 1 and was chosen to be reworked and republished and was published in the 48th Jump Issue back in 2019.
He published a one-shot manga on ‘Dai Tokyo Oniyomeden’ in the 23rd Jump Issue in 2021, presenting it as the base work for his upcoming series. His previous work Mahou Shonen X and his current work Dai Tokyo Oniyomeden give us the impression that he is quite interested in stories that tend to portray mysterious rumors, ghost stories, or things that tend to link Japan’s traditional beliefs of spirits and stuff.
Where To Read Tokyo Demon Bride Story Manga?
If you haven’t read the manga for Tokyo Demon Bride Story then it is not too late to catch up as it has only released 7 chapters to date and would be releasing the 8th today. The length of the chapters is mediocre like most of the mangas so it wouldn’t require you to spare much time for it.
You can read the manga in the weekly shonen jump, or you can read it online by giving the name of the manga a search on google. They tend to have both the subbed and dubbed versions of the manga.
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