Last One Standing is a Hong Kong television drama serial that was released in 2018. This series was created by Amy Wong and produced by TVB. The sequential recounts the narrative of ex-convict Hei (Kevin Cheng). A youngster was condemned to a decade in jail after he was outlined of killing his stepfather. Hei returns after a while. He demands retaliation on his cousin. His cousin is the dearest companion Yin (Roger Kwok), who was a vital observer of the homicide. made by Amy Wong and created by TVB. Debuting on Hong Kong’s Jade and HD Jade channels on 22 September 2008, the sequential ran for 22 episodes.
Last One Standing Season 2 Release Date
There is no season 2 announcement yet. Season 1 has gained a lot of appreciation from the public. The season 1 story was intriguing. The response was amazing. The release date will soon be announced. The show may return with its second season. All the episodes had 45 minutes of running time each. The series is a thriller drama mystery series. The release date will be intimated for the second season. The fans can rewind season 1 and keep the story fresh in their mind. Fans want to watch the second season due to its thriller genre. The show gained huge popularity and was in talks highly.
Last One Standing Season 1 Release Date | 22 September 2008 |
Last One Standing Season 1 End Date | 7 October 2008 |
Last One Standing Season 2 Release Date | Not Announced |
Last One Standing Season 2 Story
The sequential recounts the account of ex-convict Hei (Kevin Cheng), a young fellow who was condemned to a decade in jail after he was outlined of killing his stepfather. Whenever Hei is delivered, he demands retaliation on his cousin and dearest companion Yin (Roger Kwok), who was a vital observer of the homicide. The train unexpectedly crashes mid-venture, and the hundred or so survivors end up moved to a destroyed city focusing on no living soul, cut off from the remainder of the world. The city is loaded up with risks on all sides and supplies are diminishing. The original language of the show is Cantonese. TVB is the production company of this series. The Chinese meaning of the title is walking with the enemy.
Last One Standing Season 1 Recap
Previous Hong Kong Correctional Services staff Cheung Sing-Hei (Kevin Cheng) was shipped off jail for killing his stepfather. The vital observer of the case ends up being his cousin and closest companion Tong Lap-yin (Roger Kwok). After a decade, Hei is set free from jail. Yin is currently one of the most compelling individuals in the city while Hei’s standing and future are in ruins. Feeling very baffled and holding onto doubts about the case a decade prior, he is frantic to figure out the reality behind his stepfather’s demise.
After some examination, Hei acknowledges who the genuine executioner was, however there gives off an impression of being no rationale. All the more significantly, the proof is likewise inadequate. This story is concerning the way that Hei uncovered reality and at last, defends himself.
Last One Standing Season 2 Cast
Macy Chan plays the role of Kelly Ma Oi-lam. Mak Cheung-ching plays the role of Poon Chi-kan. Chun Wong portrays the role of Tong Hok-yan. Lai Suen plays the role of Tong Lee So-you. The cast was amazing, The characters were played very nicely. The faces were liked in their particular activity. All the characters have an amazing part which holds the drama on point.
Last One Standing Season 2 Trailer
The trailer for season 1 is available. The trailer for the second season has no update till now. The trailer will be soon be announced. The trailer if released will hint towards the second season. Fans will be overjoyed to see this drama serial again.
Where To Watch Last One Standing Season 2 ?
The show is available on Netflix so fans can go and watch the series. The series used to be broadcasted on 8TV Malaysian TV Network.