When Will Vampire In The Garden Release? Vampire In The Garden is a Japanese Sci Fiction, fantasy, thriller, and mysterious anime series. The series follows the lives of humans and vampires too. The series shows us, how their world is and how they start a new journey in a new world. The series is released under Wit Studio. The series will release under the direction of Ryoutarou Makihara with Hiroyuki Tanaka as an assistant director.
Vampire In The Garden Anime Release Date
Vampire In The Garden is an upcoming animated series, which will premiere in Japan in the Japanese language. It will release on Netflix. Till now, we exactly don’t know the release date of the series but, according to the reports, the series will release in 2022. As the end of the year is nearby, we are just a little bit far away from 2022 and the series too. I hope that it will release at the starting of the year.
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Vampire In The Garden Anime Plot
Till now, the plot of the series is not fully disclosed, and therefore, we cannot surely predict the plot, unless and until the official announcement is not made. We are just known with two girls, Momo, who is a human girl, and Fine, the other one, who is a vampire girl. She is although, known as the vampire queen.
Although they belong to different backgrounds and races, they are good friends. They brought into with each other world just because with the help of the music. Their ambitions and desires are also different. Momo, on one hand, wants to become a great violinist and Fine, on the other hand, wants to see the wider world. They both got on a mission to find a new paradise world where the vampires and the humans can live together without any harm.
As we have seen in the short plot of the series above, we are just left with the three things. Queries! Queries! Queries! We are therefore here to predict the story plot ahead. We were left with the two girls, who were on the mission to find the paradise world, where humans and vampires can live together with peace and no harm. We will now predict ahead of this storyline.
We can probably introduce the difficulties with the duo girls while finding and exploring the paradise world. Although, they both are finding a peaceful world to reside, eventually, there will be some twist that will make vampires aggressive to humans and vice versa. We can see some magical powers too. Ok, let’s finish this up, as we have reached too long and are not sure whether this happen or not, but can expect so. ( Laugh )
Vampire In The Garden Voice Artists
We, like other information, do not exactly know the voice artists in the series, but we still came up with two names which we will share here. Vampire In The Garden features the voices of Megumi Han and Yu Kobayashi. Megumi is being voiced for the character of Momo, who is a human girl while Yu is being voiced for the character of Fine, who is the vampire queen.
Vampire In The Garden Anime Trailer
Till now, we don’t have the trailer of the series, as the official information about the series is not announced. But, till then, we have brought you an introductory video of the series, through which you can learn almost everything about the series. And, here you go!
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