Luis Miguel: The Series is an American documentary-based television series show, It is made in the Spanish language. The show is an approved version of the whole life of the very famous Mexican singer Luis Miguel. Humberto Hinojosa and natalia Beristáin. The series is produced by Diego Boneta, Óscar Jaenada, and Daniel Krauze. The Series is originally recorded and uploaded in the Spanish language. Gato Grande Productions and MGM Television are the production companies for the following show.
Luis Miguel was originally released n a Spanish American television namely Telemundo. Later on, it was bought and distributed by Netflix originally. The show has a total rating of 8 stars out of 10 by IMDb, which is very impressive. It starts many talented actors including Diego BonetaÓscar, JaenadaIzan, LlunasPaulina, DávilaMartín and BelloAnna Favella.
Luis Miguel: The Series Season 3 Plot
The story is a biographical documentary of famous superstar Mexican pop singer Luis Miguel. The story is about his authorized and true-life story. A young boy Luis Miguel Gallego Basteri who has got a go gifted voice and the natural talent of singing. Before acquiring the stage name Luis Miguel he was called Micky by his family, which was the nickname given to him by his family.
Micky was a beautiful, jolly kid. He felt very comfortable and extremely happy alongside her mother Marcela (Anna Favella) and older brother (Alex Juanpa Zurita). But due to his good talent of Singing his father forces him into the singing industry at the young age of 11. His father Luis Rey (Óscar Jaenada) compulsively gives himself the task to convert his son into a singing superstar. Actually, it was the dream of Micky’s father to become a superstar, but due to some reason, he was not able to succeed in it. Hence it was Micky in which Luis Rey saw his very own dream. It was too much for a young boy to get into the struggling phase. Even his mother and brother also didn’t want him to do any such thing.
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After a few years, Micky finally started to get recognized. And soon after a few years, he became a sensation in Mexican pop singing. Micky took over the name Luis Miguel as his stage name. He was extremely famous in Latin America and also beyond many other countries. Everyone likes the image he created of himself. A young, talented, masculine boy with a wheatish complexion and a magical voice. Girls were especially attracted to Miguel.
But being a superstar creates a lot of problems in his personal life. Miguel’s life was badly affected, he could not keep his privacy, neither was he able to spend his time with family. He also struggles with his public image and was not able to handle fame so efficiently. Another problem was, that Miguel was very young hence it was legit that he would associate relations with women too. Therefore keeping his relationship and love life private was also very difficult. Complete 2 seasons cover the whole career-building time of Miguel.
Luis Miguel: The Series Season 3 Release Date
Season one of the series was officially released on 22 April 2018 on a television channel and Netflix too. On the same day, the show makers confirmed the renewal for another season. On 7 January 2020, the shooting for the second season was announced, but due to a sudden covid outbreak, the shooting was forcefully passed.
After a few months, the second season was finally released on April 18, 2021. It was on 30 May 2021, that Netflix announced the renewal of the series for another season, Season 3, The last and final season is set to get released on 28 October 2021, yes this month. Season 3 will be the final season and it will feature the love life of Miguel with Carla.
Luis Miguel: The Series Season 3 Cast
The show stars Diego Boneta as Luis Miguel , the protagonist who is a Mexican superstar and deals with his immediate fame and disturbance in private life. Izan Llunas as Child Luis Miguel. Luis de la Rosa as Young Luis Miguel . Óscar Jaenada as Luis Rey. Camila Sodi as Erika, based on Issabela Camil. Martín Bello as Tito. Anna Favella as Marcela Basteri. César Bordón as Hugo López , Juanpa Zurita as Alex Basteri, Paulina Dávila as Mariana Yazbek , Vanessa Bauche as Rosy Esquivel ,Macarena Achaga as Michelle Salas , Fernando Guallar as Mauricio Ambrosi , Pablo Cruz as Patricio Robles.
Luis Miguel: The Series Season 3 Trailer
The trailer for Luis Miguel Season 3 was released 3 weeks ago on Youtube by Netflix original. Usually, Netflix uploads a trailer one or half months before the official release of the series. The show will be released on 28 October 2021. To watch the trailer for Luis Miguel Season 3 on youtube, click below.
Season 3 will be the final season and it will feature the love life of Miguel with Carla.
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