Family Business is a French Comedy television series of 2019. The show is written and created by Igor Gotesman. It is officially created in the French language. It has a total of 3 seasons with 6 episodes in each season, making it a total of 18. The group of producers includes François Kraus, Denis Pineau-Valencienne, Jérôme Cendro, Igor Gotesman. The show was originally made for Netflix and was first aired on 28 June 2019.
The second season was released in July 2019 while the third season was recently released on 2 October 2020. This French Show is about Joseph Hazan and his family, who struggle in their journey to convert their butcher shop into a weed cafe! It has received a 7.4 rating out of 10 from IMDb which is very good. The show is quite popular and has received positive reviews from the viewers, the show was successful in tickling our bones and it had many unexpected twists, which was very interesting to watch.
Family Business Season 4 Release Date
The show makers have recently released season 3 for the family business on Netflix. October 8, 2021, was the official date for the release of season 3. It has a total of 6 episodes each with almost 30-39 minutes of running time. Now answering your question we have some unfortunate news, along with the release of the third season, Netflix also shared that it will be the last season and no preceding season will be released for the show.
Also, season 3 has no open end left, hence there is nothing left to cover or continue within the next season. Another reason we assume is that every character had a satisfying and happy ending making season 3 a complete end. The hope for 4th season is very unlikely.
Family Business Season 4 Story
The family business is a fresh comedy drama. T.V series for Netflix. The show revolves around the Hazan family, who from starting has a family business of butchering. They had a Butcher shop called Hazan Meats. The show’s background is of the time when weeds were just legalized in France. Marijuana was nothing new to people but making it legal meant it could be sold and used anywhere just like ordinary things.
Taking this as an opportunity Hazan family decides to convert their Meat shop into a weed-friendly cafe. Because their meat shop was not making them enough money. Their decision to convert Hazan meat into Hazan weed leads them to a long journey of struggles and hard work. Many police officers and nobility were disguised with this idea. But together with the family, Joseph was able to get out of this weed tangle, and in the end, the whole family reunited after long in Parsis.
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Family Business Season 4 Cast
Jonathan Cohen as Joseph Hazan, a young boy disinterestedly working in his father’s butcher shop. Gérard Darmon as Gérard Hazan, is the head of the family, father of Joseph, and the owner of Hazan’s meat shop. Julia Piaton as Aure Hazan, Joseph’s sister. Ali Marhyar as Ali Benkikir, he is Josephs’s best friend. Olivier Rosemberg as Olivier Pariente is an orphan raised by the Hazan family. Liliane Rovère as Ludmila Rozenberg, she is Gérard’s mother-in-law, also Joseph and Aure’s grandmother. Louise Coldefy as Clémentine Cendron, is an old acuintense of joseph and Oliver. Lina El Arabi as Aïda Benkikir, she is josheps girlfriend. Tamar Baruch plays the role of Jaures, a Drug mafia. Enrico Macias as Himself and Alexandra Vandernoot as Catherine.
Family Business Season 4 Trailer
As clearly mentioned above there is no new season coming for the series, hence there will be no trailer coming out for the same. The show has decided to stop and make the 3rd season its final season. There is very little chance for season 4 renewal. You can also watch the trailer for all the seasons are available on Youtube. You can stream the complete show easily on Netflix with different dubbings and subtitles. Click below to watch the trailer, this will make u get some idea about the show plot.
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