A dystopian Japanese drama, Pending Train, found a home on Netflix just a while ago. Directed by Kenta Tanaka, the sci-fi series follows a trio of strangers who are united by a post-apocalyptic scenario. This fantasy drama, akin to the Korean Black Knight, demonstrates the struggle for survival and the bleak future that most probably awaits us. Narrated through three starkly different perspectives, Pending Train, true to its title, portrays a mystical train car. The said train car is engulfed by a meteor and transported to a barren land in the distant future, where the passengers (not Sympathy For The Devil’s style Passenger) have no means to sustain themselves.
It is due to the engrossing elements, gripping narration and character development skills demonstrated by Tanaka that fans are brimming with excitement for a sequel. So, is the second instalment of the dystopian series confirmed by Netflix? Is the Pending Train Season 2 release date out? Find out right away!
Pending Train Season 2 Release Date
Pending Train was initially released in April on Japan’s local networks before being internationally broadcasted on Netflix on August 11. This 2023 drama takes place four decades later, in 2060 when the world is void of humans and hope. Released in ten episodes, Pending Train has received a lukewarm reception from the viewers. While the ten-hour-long series possesses several criticizable elements, its engrossing plot somewhat makes up for it, making it a perfect weekend binge.
It is the ambiguous ending that has paved the way for fans to wonder whether the sequel is already planned. Since Netflix and Tanaka haven’t yet expressed their concern regarding the sequel, nothing could be said for sure. But considering the series’ most intriguing episode has left the viewers hooked, the chances of a revival are high. If the makers and the streaming host approve Pending Train Season 2 soon, expect it to hit the screens in mid-2024. The sequel might be released in Japan first, similar to its predecessor, before hitting Netflix which could extend our wait.
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What Is Netflix’s Pending Train About?
This Japanese sci-fi drama series follows the lives of Naoya Kayashima, Yuto Shirahama and Sae Hatano. Sae is once again running late to catch her regular train, Tsukuba Express, but she manages to get in timely. A kind-hearted PE teacher at a local school, Sae is accustomed to dealing with temperamental people. She comes across one such person, Naoya, a talented but begrudging hair stylist, and is immediately drawn towards him. The Tsukuba Express then undergoes a drastic transformation in which the fifth car suddenly transports into a post-apocalyptic future.
Yuto, a firefighter, becomes the first to hold a light in the darkness when everyone has lost hope. Along with dozens of people, Yuto, Sae and Naoya embark on a journey to dig a pathway back to the present. On their quest, they unfold each other’s personalities and delve into the dark corners of their own lives. The question of survival remains stagnant though.
Pending Train Season 2 Plot Details
While Yuto is dominated by a pang of guilt, Naoya is tormented by abandonment issues and Sae suffers through an identity crisis. Each of them has rugged edges and a dark past that threatens their resolve to search for a way to reverse time. By the end of the series, through the help of a meteor, they succeed in transporting their carriage back in time but three years have passed since the incident. With the knowledge they now possess, the trio tries to raise awareness and prevent the apocalypse. However, with obstacles arising from all directions, their endeavour seems nearly impossible.
The debut season left the fate of these multidimensional characters hanging in the air. Pending Train Season 2 is expected to follow the lives of these characters as they try to decide whether their relationships could withstand the upcoming storm.
Pending Train Season 2 Release Date: FAQs
It is a dystopian Japanese sci-fi series, centred around the lives of three strangers, Naoya Kayashima, Yuto Shirahama and Sae Hatano.
The series is created by Kenta Tanaka.
No, it is not confirmed.
Though Pending Season 2 isn’t yet confirmed, it is expected to premiere in mid-2024.
No, there is no trailer available yet.
You can stream the series on Netflix!
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