Netflix’s Deserter Pursuit aka D.P. chronicles the tale of misery, courage and friendship in its six-episode runtime. Centred around soldiers who are crushed to dust by their seniors, this satirical thriller is created by Han Jun-Hee and Kim Bo-Tong. With several K-dramas exploring military themes such as Black Knight, D.P. is a gritty tale set in the military background, too. It is led by Prison Playbook’s Jung Hae-in who portrays the role of a young soldier, Ahn Joon-Ho, who is assigned a fairly simple task that turns into a complex job.
The heartfelt emotions portrayed by D.P. pave the way for these questions to surface. Is K-drama D.P. based on a true story? Is Ahn Joon-Ho a real-life character? If you’re wondering about these questions, too, here are the answers!
Is K-drama D.P. Based On A True Story?
While the series explores the spirituality and individuality of military soldiers, it also provides a fresh perspective on the bonding of these soldiers. Joon-Ho is tasked with catching the soldiers of the deserter pursuit unit. At first, it is a mere duty he has to fulfil or risk the wrath of his rustless seniors. But soon, it transforms into a burden that threatens to crush the new friendships Joon-Ho starts to form.
While the series’ pivotal elements are highly realistic, its setting, too, tends to reflect the true nature of tormented soldiers. However, Jun-Hee’s K-drama D.P. isn’t based on a true story. Though its elements are fictional and tailored to invoke a dramatic event, the essence of the series remains authentic to the lives of several soldiers.
D.P. is a popular term in Korea that specifies the act of catching soldiers who purposely drop out of the military. The series entirely revolves around this term. Moreover, it derives inspiration from Kim Bo-Tong’s webtoon.
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D.P. Is Inspired By Kim Bo-Tong’s Webtoon
Bo-Tong, similar to every Korean man, has served two years in the military and possesses first-hand experience living a deserted life. In his webtoon, D.P: Dog Days, Bo-Tong expresses his experience dealing with extreme conditions, violence and bullying. Hazing is common in almost every pursuit of life but as this crime thriller portrays, the military is a ground for bullies.
When Ahn fails to pull out of the job to the perfectionism his seniors desire, they team him up with a federal cop, Peninsula’s Han Ho-Yul (Koo Kyo-Hwan). Though their interactions are scarce at first, they soon reach a level of mutual respect. While bonding over the same mission, the duo quickly unravel each other’s weak and strong points, strengthening their friendship. Whether Ho-Yul’s character is inspired by Bo-Tang’s ally is still unclear.
D.P. Chillingly Mirrors The True Condition Of The Korean Military
It is no surprise that Korea possesses a strict law regarding compulsory military service. This series explores the consequences of this law and its effect on the soldiers who are forced to abide by it. While some cannot tolerate the harsh environment, others are forced to leave the military for emergency personal issues. But the law doesn’t desiccate problems, only focuses on dropout soldiers and collectively terms them as D.P. members. In the series, Joon-Ho and Ho-Yul are forced to deal with these members but eventually, they realise that not every military dropout is a failure.
While this K-drama allegedly mirrors the true condition of soldiers, it also incorporates some fictional story arcs. It has also raised controversy in certain areas with the military being defensive of the film. However, Netflix’s D.P. remains a nerve-chilling military-oriented K-drama that is as insightful as compelling.
Is K-drama D.P. Based On A True Story?–FAQs
It is crime thriller series centred around a duo of military soldiers and a cop who are tasked with unearthing the D.P. members.
No, it is not based on a true story.
Yes, the series is based on Kim Bo-Tong’s webtoon who also serves as the director of the show.
Yes, it is inspired by Bo-Tong’s military experience.
Yes, there is a trailer available for the series.
You can stream this heart-wrenching K-drama on Netflix!
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