The world of animation has currently gone through a revolutionary phase over the last few years, which consists of inventing new genres and bringing new types of graphics and animation capabilities into existence in the world of animes. Among those big players, we have Netflix and many other studios competing against each other continuously. While everything goes on, we have seen some animes that are a combination of American and Japanese storylines and that is truly something very unique for all the fans out there.
Now Neo Yokio is a perfect example of what we have mentioned above, and after the second season of the show, which came to us in the form of a movie, people have been waiting eagerly for a third season for a very long time. For all those who don’t know, Neo Yokia is based in the city of Neo Yokio which is considered the greatest city in the world and has got magistrates who have saved the city from various demons. Now Kazz Kaan is the main character of that story, who has recently reached the aristocratic level and is continuously competing to keep his status and be on the top list of bachelors in the town and also various kinds of problems and adversaries while he tries to save this city at all cost.
Now this animated series starring Jaden Smith, Jude Law, and many other well-known characters is created by Ezra Koenig and is brought to us under the direction of Kazuhiro Furuhashi, Junji Nishimura, and Anthony Chun. When it comes to the reviews and ratings, it has bagged a 6.0 IMDB rating which is quite impressive, for a new type of anime. However, when it comes to the main which is regarding the Neo Yokia season 3 release date, we don’t have any updates as of now from the maker’s side.
Neo Yokia Season 3 Release Date
The first season of the show was originally announced back in the year 2015 and soon after a long wait during the production process was taking place, we finally ended up receiving the first season of the show on the 22nd of September, 2017. The first season came with a total of 6 episodes. Following this we received the first movie of the series, which is the second season, and that made it to us on the 7th of December, 2018.
Now when it comes to the third season, we have got no updates regarding its renewal status or release date as of now. As the success of the series has not been quite good, and there have been mixed reviews, a third season has got very less chances but it still exists. If the third season production process starts this year, we will be getting it no way before the middle of 2025 and for those updates, we will have to wait a little longer.
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Neo Yokio Season 3 Story
The main storyline of this particular series is basically revolving around Kazz Kaan who is a neo-aristocrat in the city of Neo Yokia, which is the so-called greatest city in the world. Now Kaz has got a huge rival, and that is Archangelo. They continuously compete against each other, to get their names up on the billboard of the greatest bachelor in the city. At the same time, Kaz also faces various problems, tasks, and the responsibility of saving the city now and then.
The third season, if it happens, will have a similar storyline, where maybe Kaz will have a character glow up, and mature more, following which he may attain new levels in his journey to be the best. There may also be new other character introductions, but we have got no updates regarding that.
Neo Yokio Season 3 Characters
For the character list whom we are going to get in the third season, we don’t have any updates as of now, but there is a huge chance that many of the old season characters will come back such as Kaz, Charles, Helena, Archangelo, and many others. There may also be new character introductions, but for those updates, we will have to wait much longer.
Neo Yokio Season 3 Trailer
The third season has not been renewed as of now, and that is why we have not received a trailer for it yet. Along with that, the first-season and second-season trailers are currently available for streaming on the YouTube platform.
Where Can We Watch Neo Yokio Season 3 Release Date?
If the second season of the show happens it will be available for streaming on the Netflix platform, just like the previous season of the show, and also because it is a Netflix original series.
Frequently Asked Questions
The second season of the show came to an end in dece,ber of 2018, but it has officialy not been canceled as of now.
Netflix has not announced a third season for the show as of now.
Jaden Smith has acted as a voice actor in the Neo Yokia anime.
This anime has got two seasons, one in form of a series and the other as a movie
This particular show is available for streaming on the Netflix platform.
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