Directed and written by the very talented and renowned Ramkumar Balakrishnan, another blockbuster Tamil thriller has recently appeared on our interest list. Starring Harish Kalyan, M. S. Bhaskar, Indhuja, Rama Rajendra and others, the movie Parking is surely worth bingeing once. Unlike most of the Tamil thrillers, this movie majorly focused on other common issues of society. A very important message was conveyed by this film and we will surely like to tell you more about it.
The movie starts with a simple storyline, but as you dig deep into this thriller, you will see how monstrous humans can truly be. As the title of the film suggests, this story revolves mostly around the parking space. But since the writer has not really exaggerated the film much, many do think that the plot of Parking was based on a real story. Well, continue reading to learn all about this mind-blowing drama thriller.
Is Parking Movie A Real Story? Learn More About This Tamil Masterpiece!
We must say that the cast of the film outperformed themselves. We were genuinely blown away by such a spine-chilling plotline. Ramkumar Balakrishnan was wise enough to throw more light on the brutal reality of the society. Interestingly, the film Parking is not based on some true story, but surely holds a realistic effect. One thing that we must talk about is how Indian laws are mostly biased and questionable. Since all the laws are centred on the rights of women in society, we often tend to forget that sometimes the man in question might truly be innocent!
There are a bunch of criminal cases where females have misused their rights and tried to frame a wrong allegation on another person. Well, one such scenario was held forward in this film as well! It was only in the second half of the movie that we slowly started understanding who was the main culprit here. Another noteworthy subject found in the film was the egoistic side of different individuals. It was quite compelling to see how for a small parking space, Eshwar and Ilamparuthi were ready to do anything to prove their worth and power to one another!
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Get A Quick Overview Of The Film Parking!
From being neighbours to becoming enemies, the movie Parking has surely taught us a lot. On one hand, we have Eshwar, a mediocre IT employee, who just wants to provide the best type of comfort to his pregnant wife. On the other hand, we saw S. Ilamparuthi, an honest government officer and disciplined family man. Despite having quite enough to afford the luxury, Ilamparuthi prefers to live a normal life and believes in making the best use of the existing resources.
This is also one of the main reasons why he hasn’t abandoned his long-term motorbike. Initially, the two families did get along with one another, but the main twist appeared when Eshwar planned to buy a four-wheeler for her wife. Well, this is how the parking problem started, since the car was now occupying most of the space, Ilamparuthi had to adjust to this new scenario! At first, he tried to make peace with Eshwar’s new car.
But as this story moves forward, we will see how he failed to adapt and was annoyed over the whole parking situation. Thus to teach a good lesson to Eshwar, he too thinks of buying a new car. Now, the question is whose car will be parked in front? This was how all the heated arguments and conflicts boiled up. As violence comes into the picture, we will also see how false allegations were made! This story majorly focuses on how arrogant and immature humans can be sometimes. Well, to learn further about the film, you surely need to binge it online.
Parking Ending Explained – Was Eshwar Planning To Kill Ilamparuthi?
The two male leads of the film were so busy to satisfy their respective egos, that they failed to realise how monstrous they have become towards one another. As their ego was getting the better of them, they lost all control over their emotions and actions. Both were trying to harm one another, and they were also creating trouble for the people they actually loved and cared about. It was quite compelling to see how they were even risking the lives and reputation of their families. After being brutally attacked by Ilamparuthi, Eshwar initially wanted him to be dead.
But little did he know that his wife, Aathika was having immense labour pain and without the help of Ilamparuthi, she couldn’t have reached the hospital safely! Eshwar’s main plan was to burn the whole house down. But thankfully, before it was too late, the truth was revealed to him. Finally, by switching off the power supply and apologising to one another, both realised how immature they had been acting all these days. Well, both the families decided to shift and now the owner has to look out for new tenants! That’s all for now, to get more information on other interesting movies, stay connected with us, just right here.
Is Parking Movie A Real Story? Learn More About This Tamil Masterpiece! – FAQs
Yes, Ilamparuthi did help Aathika to reach the hospital safely.
No, the movie Parking is not based on facts, but we must say that the plotline is quite realistic.
Before Eshwar could murder Ilamparuthi, the truth was revealed to him, and thus he decided to switch off the power supply.
Yes, during the climax of the film, Eshwar and Ilamparuthi did apologise to one another.
After moving out from their respective apartments, Eshwar and Ilamparuthi did realise their own faults.
Yes, the popular Tamil film, Parking can be viewed online, exclusively on Disney Plus Hotstar.
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