Is People Of Darkness Based On A Real Cult? Debunking The Myths And Mysteries!

Folklore mainly comes from the countryside. Folklore may be, or may not be true. However, the series that we are going to talk about may appear like folklore, but it is actually criminal drama series. The series, Dark Winds, has been loved by the people. We are going to talk about People Of Darkness in Dark Winds. The name itself has a sinister ring to it. Most people have thought that People Of Darkness is a real cult. Is it so? Is People Of Darkness indeed based on some cult? You have come to the right place to seek your answers. Here, we are going to discuss the details of People Of Darkness.

Is People Of Darkness Based On A Real Cult? Real Truth

If you have not heard the name “People Of Darkness”, you must be confused as to how this name came up. Well, this name came up because of the crime series Dark Winds. The crime series is based on books written by the famous crime thriller writer Tony Hillerman. It has come to our notice that the first season of the show was based on the book Listening Woman, and the second season of the show is based on the book People Of Darkness.

In the show’s second season, we are introduced to a cult named “People Of Darkness”. The people of this cult seem to be joined with something sinister, but at first, it is not known to us what. You will be shocked to know that the writer, Tony Hillerman, incorporated this idea of the cult based on the true stories of the Navajo people. Who are Navajos? Navajos are essentially the people of the Southwestern United States. They can be considered to be the tribals.

Therefore, is the cult real? Well, the cult that is shown in the series is not real. The idea of the cult is based on real-life culture, myth and folklore, but the cult shown is not real. The series has shown the cult to be pretty realistic, but we can assure you that it is not the case. In this cult, people are motivated by their profit-earning desires. The two investigators, Jow Lephron and Jim Chee are brought face to face with it when they are investigating a case in the series.

Hence, it can be concluded that even if it is shown to be realistic, People Of Darkness is not a real cult. It is completely fictionalized.

How Joe Lephron and Jim Chee Come Across People Of Darkness?

Before delving into how these two people come across People Of Darkness, we should first know who they are. Joe Lephron and Jim Chee, both are investigators. In the second series of Dark Winds, both men have important roles to play. They are investigating two different cases; however, these cases bring the men forward. When they investigate their respective cases, they are made to come across a cult named People Of Darkness.

Joe Lephron has lost his son. He is investigating the mystery of his son’s death when he meets with Jim Chee. Chee on the other hand is dealing with another case that involves a Navajo man. Due to these two cases, Lephron and Chee encounter the People Of Darkness cult. When they discover the cult, they understand, that it is not a simplistic cult. The people have a distinct past which made them members of the People Of Darkness. This distinct past involves the explosion of an oil well. Somebody in the area predicted this explosion, but people did not believe it. However, after the explosion, when people gathered faith in the prediction, they formed this cult.

Dark Winds Storyline

The name of the series itself suggests that something is not right. Well, somethings in the series are indeed not right. The two protagonists of the series are Joe Lephron and Jim Chee. As we move forward, these two men are involved in cases that they have to solve. To solve these cases, they have to dig their own pasts. It is because, as we navigate through the series, we understand that the cases at hand require an inquiry into the pasts of these two investigators as well. It is an interesting series that is going to keep you on the edge.

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Dark Winds Behind The Scenes

The main cast members of the show are Zahn McClarnon, Jessica Matten, Kiowa Gordon, Rainn Wilson, Elva Guerra, Deanna Allison, Jeremiah Bitsul, Nicholas Logan, Eugene Brave Rock.

Dark Winds Streaming Platform

Dark Winds is currently having two seasons. The second season is an ongoing one. The first episode of the second season was released on 30th July 2023.

If you are willing to watch the series, you can do so on Amazon Prime. You need to have a subscription of the platform in order to watch it.

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