Where Are Brian Paul Landry and April Saddler Now? Everything We Covered So Far

The villainous murder of a common resident of California, and a mother of four children, is the topic of discussion today. Investigation Discovery telecasted an episode ‘Unusual Suspects: Murder Down Memory Lane’ on March 6, 2016, depicting all the truths and facts yet unfolded for some of the audiences of the world.

The woman and the mother of four children lived happily with her 5 years old daughter Abby in California. While all three children of her lived out of town and visited her occasionally. While her ex-husband abandoned her and was living in another town in the city.

The woman talked about earlier is Darlene Saddler, a 49-year-old lady who was mysteriously killed in her own house and the eyewitness to her murder was her 5 years old infant daughter Abby. If you’ve got interested in knowing the truth behind the crime, we have covered everything for you in the article ahead.

Where Are Brian Paul Landry and April Saddler Now? 

April Saddler, one of the children of Darlene Saddler, along with her ex-boyfriend Brian Paul Laundry, planned to kill her mother for a few personal reasons. The accused tried to keep it a mystery by blaming Brian for the murder, but soon the mystery was solved and she was put behind bars.

A week later of the crime, April made a call to her brother and said she doubts Brian, her ex-boyfriend was the criminal. But further, when he was asked Brian confessed that it was the plan of April who ordered him to kill her mother while she was alone at home with her toddler and cover himself with black clothes and a mask. 

The two were presented in the court and jury pleading Brian was not guilty of a crime, but murdering a woman enforced the law and put him in prison for 25 years in 2012. While April was sentenced to jail for pleading guilty till she turned 25 years old, and as per the information she was out of jail back in 2017, while Brian will be leaving prison in 2026.

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Who Is Darlene Saddler?

A 49-year-old woman a resident of a small town in Santa Ana California resided with her 5-year-old toddler in a house. She was a mother of four children. Darlene was an unlucky woman in marriage and married several times. Still, she was a respected woman in her society and everyone who knew her, marked her to be the best mother.

Two of her children introduced in the show are her son, Jonathan, and her 15-year-old daughter April, the reason behind her murder. All of her adult children lived away from her but visited her occasionally. The life of these four children turned upside down when they came to know about their mother’s murder.

On September 18, 2008, Jonathan Darlene’s son visited her and found his mother lying down on the kitchen floor with a knife stabbed in her neck. When the autopsy report was confirmed, it said she was shot three times before stabbing a knife. The eye witness of the murder was her own 5-year-old daughter Abby, who of course can’t say anything but did say of the criminal wearing black clothes and his face covered.

How Did Darlene Saddler Die?

While investigating the crime place, not many shreds of evidence were found and even the DNA at the site of the crime did not match with either of her children or her ex-husbands. The case soon came to be shut as the police were unable to collect some solid proof or evidence.

Suddenly, the case of Darlene took a turn when after a week police got a call from Darlene’s son Jonathan saying his sister April suspects her ex-boyfriend Brian who had relations with her mom and can murder her.

On investigating DNA in the crime place of the criminal and that of Brian did match and soon he was in the custody of the police. Where everyone believed him to be the real criminal, he revealed a secret saying her daughter April Saddler, asked Brian to wear black clothes, cover his face and kill her mother.

The reason behind the 15-year-old children doing the villainous things is still unknown. But both accused were imprisoned for committing such a crime. Everyone in the neighborhood was shocked to hear the news as Darlene was a great single mother, who nourished her children all alone and always prioritized them and this is what she got as a result.

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