Centred around the life of an ex-cop, the German thriller, Sleeping Dog possesses a myriad of story curves. These arcs blend in together to make this fast-paced, brilliantly directed suspense saga. Helmed by Christoph Darnstadt, Sleeping Dog takes place in Berlin where Mike Atlas (Max Riemelt) tries to live like an underdog. His attempts at going unseen are exploited when Berlin is shaken by the suicide of Mussa Basher. Here ensues a dramatic, blood-filled journey of Atlas and the characters involved.
As much as the plot seems tempting, it does raise questions regarding its authenticity. Characters that are fleshed out with brilliance to utmost perfection, a storyline that doesn’t waver from its brisk pace and secrets that keep piling up. All these elements add to the intrigue of the show. Not only it helps to make the series compelling but also raises a question. Is Sleeping Dog based on a true story? Is Mike Atlas inspired by a real-life cop? Find out all the answers below!
Is Sleeping Dog Based On A True Story?
Though not much about the production details is known, Sleeping Dog’s principal filming is speculated to have started in the early 2020s. Netflix delights in boasting about the producers of Sleeping Dog who happen to be the creators of The Unorthodox. This German thriller is layered with emotional drama, complex relationships and a plethora of tension that make this series an impactful punch.
As realistic as it might feel, Sleeping Dog isn’t based on a true story. Not entirely, anyway. There has been no trace of an update regarding the series being derived from a true story. Not only have the makers held back their muse but Netflix hasn’t claimed Sleeping Dog to be inspired from a true story.
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Is Sleeping Dog Based On The Life Of A Cop?
While it is confirmed that Sleeping Dog isn’t based on a true story, whether it derives inspiration from the life of a cop or a lawyer cannot be confirmed. From the character development and world-building series demonstrated by Darnstadt, it becomes evident he had done his research thoroughly. Be it portraying a lawyer’s office or the life of a rookie lawyer aka Jule Andergast (Luise Von Finckh), Sleeping Dog does a stellar job depicting real-life scenarios.
However, it is not confirmed whether Sleeping Dog is based on a life of a cop. It seems as if Riemelt and his team have invested a lot of time and researched thoroughly the culture, workplace and lifestyle of not only German but also Arabic people. That is probably the highlight of the series and what I particularly find commendable.
Sleeping Dog: The Significance Behind The Name Of The Series
As I mentioned above, the creators haven’t been overtly expressive. They haven’t shared much information about the development process or the inspiration that led them to create Sleeping Dog. Not expressing whether the name of the series holds any significance makes sense. But then, anyone who has been observing the leading protagonist of the series wouldn’t have a hard time fathoming the underlying meaning of the series.
Mike Atlas has been on the down low for over eight months, shirking away from responsibilities and hiding in a moving van. He more or less symbolizes a sleeping dog who is forced out of hiding by an incident that leaves his life in shambles. After this sudden accident, Mike’s life is no longer a pill-induced harmony but a reality-dripping mess.
Another perspective of looking at the name of the series and trying to fathom it could be of the film’s antagonist as well. The person behind Basher’s murder, too hides away her true nature from the world despite being a public figure.
Sleeping Dog Quick Synopsis
The series commences with a bang and a mystery. Just a couple of months ago, before Atlas walked out of his dynamic cop life, he contributed to the arrest of Mussa who killed Judge Herres. Now, Basher committed suicide and a lawyer, Jule, has been assigned to the case. Though she initially loses the court battle, she soon starts to garner intel about Basher’s life.
She’s quickly joined by Tom Schlefski and the two of them embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind Mussa’s alleged suicide. Meanwhile, Mike is left to bear the wrath of Mussa’s criminal brother and his messy relationship with his daughter Tinka and ex-wife, Lenni. This six-episode-long series is not only a crime thriller but also possesses an emotional backdrop that appeals to me–and most probably will lure you in, too.
Sleeping Dog Season 1 premiered on Netflix just a couple of hours ago and is available worldwide!
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