The Stand Season 2 Release Date Is Still Highly Anticipated Even If The Future Of The Series Is Up In The Air!

Nothing beats an evening with a mug of coffee and a Stephen King novel, does it? For all the bibliophiles out there, like me, King needs no introduction. The Stand is another gem in King’s closet. It is an apocalyptic survival tale on the surface. Once you dive in, the pieces start to fall into place and you’d know that The Stand is more of a spiritual tale of survival, struggle and supremacy.

Directed by Josh Boone and Benjamin Cavell, The Stand is a dark fantasy miniseries centred around a tribe differentiating between good and the bad, the light and the dark. It is a highly artistic series that won’t leave you disappointed at all. And yet, The Stand Season 2 hasn’t been renewed yet. Let us go and find out whether The Stand Season 2 is on its way or not!

The Stand Season 2 Release Date

The Stand Season 2

Differentiating the world into two–evil and pious–The Stand novel by Stephen has left its imprint on the world. It isn’t a surprise though, considering Stephen’s pristine reputation. So, when Boone and Cavell, collaborated with King to adapt The Stand novel, the expectations were sky-high. It was considered to be one of the greatest releases of CBS All Access of 2020. And yet, what was delivered couldn’t match the expectations.

It was predicted that The Stand Season 2 will premiere on CBS by the end of 2022 or mid-2023. And now, here we stand, still anticipating the release date of The Stand Season 2. It seems like our wait would be prolonged given that neither Boone nor Cavell is ready to express their opinions yet. The Stand Season 2 hasn’t been renewed yet and it seems like it wouldn’t release soon.

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Why Is The Stand Season 2 Delayed?

The Stand is a miniseries of mega potential. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where only 1 per cent of the world’s population is left. Yes, amongst the thousands of trillions of people, only a few hundred survive. The Stand blends in a survival tale of a star-studded cast ensemble including Odessa Young and Brad William Henke in the leading role as Frannie and Tom. Using high-definition pieces of equipment and techniques, both Josh and Benjamin gave their best.

Apparently, it was their initial plan to not extend the series. Hence, the grand climax with Frannie and her daughter surviving and the Dark Man still makes people gravitate towards him. If such a potential story doesn’t perform well, there has to be a reason, don’t you think? The reason behind The Stand Season 2 delay is evident. It did not perform well enough to garner attention from the world. And more importantly, it was never planned. That is not to say other adaptations of Stephen King’s novel aren’t on the way.

The Stand Season 1 Review: A Blend Of Hundred Elements Hardly Works

The Stand Season 2

Season 1 highlights the journey of Frannie as she is about to give birth to her first child after a leaked virus has destroyed the world. But now, things aren’t as simple. It is as if watching the formation of Earth with Mother Abigail luring the pious and Randall attracting the evil. At the end of Season 1, it was clear that the blend of these many story arcs and characters did not work at all.

Both Josh and Benjamin had a clear vision of what they wanted to deliver. They wanted to add a spiritual touch and make The Stand seem more religious. The act of Gods and the evil-pious war adds a nice touch to the series. But in the end, nothing can save The Stand from receiving backlash from critics. Not many people enjoyed it and many hated it with a passion. Some went as far as rating 2/10 and I do not disagree with any of them. The series is a cringe-worthy apocalyptic tale that blends hundreds of elements and the cocktail doesn’t work.

The Stand Season 2: FAQs

1. What Is The Stand Series About?

It is a post-apocalyptic survival tale in which a woman named Frannie is about to birth a child for the first time after the calamity. This is a spiritual battle between the good and the bad.

2. Is The Stand Season 2 Cancelled?

No, it is not cancelled yet.

3. Why Is The Stand Season 2 Cancelled?

The Stand isn’t officially cancelled but it is delayed due to its poor performance. Moreover, the makers aren’t planning to manifest a sequel.

4. Is The Stand Series Worth Watching?

If you are into spiritual kinds of series and can keep up with the multiple characters and fast-paced, you could give this series a try.

5. Is A Trailer Available For The Stand Season 2?

No, there is no trailer available yet.

6. Where To Watch The Stand Series?

You can stream the series on CBS All Access!

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