Falling For Danger Chapter 14: When Is The New Chapter 14 Coming Out? Release Date And More!

Falling In Danger is the most recent manhwa that is getting released on Manta Comics. This manhwa is having a gripping storyline from the very start. If you remember your favourite Wattpad stories, you will be able to find some similarities with this manhwa. Here, the female lead is the love interest of someone terribly dangerous and vice versa. Does not this sound interesting? It really does. The manhwa has received 13 chapters as of now. If you want to know about the release date of Chapter 14, you will have to continue reading this piece provided here.

Falling For Danger Chapter 14 Release Date And More!

As has been mentioned above, this manhwa has received 13 chapters. This shows that the manhwa is a recent one. The latest chapter, that is chapter 14 is going to be released on 22nd August 2023 at 12 A.M. Korean Standard Time (KST). You can calculate the release time of the manhwa in your location by keeping KST as your reference value. The manhwa is going to be released on the 21st of August in some places.

After the 14th chapter of the manhwa gets released on 21st – 22nd of August, the release dates of the next manhwa chapter will be released. Falling For Danger is a new manhwa, therefore it can be said that it is not going to come to an end soon enough. Most manhwas have 100+ chapters before they come to their end. Therefore, this manhwa will also not come to an end very soon. You can be sure about that. As of now, the storyline of the manhwa has just begun, and we can assure you that Falling For Danger has a long way to go.

Will Falling For Danger be adapted into a drama? The creators of the manhwa have not stated if they are going to adapt the manhwa into a Korean drama version. Since the manhwa has just begun, nothing can be stated as of now. Once Falling For Danger receives more than 50 chapters and gets a strong storyline, the creators may think about converting it into a drama version. Presently, the storyline of the drama appears conducive enough for a Korean drama adaptation. Nevertheless, it is solely the decision of the creators. We can only hope for the manhwa to be released as a drama adaptation.

Falling For Danger Storyline

The storyline of Falling For Danger revolves around Marine and Hale. This is a romantic thriller manhwa that is not going to bore you at all. Hale was a hitman previously. However, he gets betrayed and, in that process, he loses his lover. He cannot take the betrayal that was committed against him. Currently, he is on a voyage to seek his revenge. In this journey, he meets our female protagonist Marine. She is a jolly and clumsy woman whom almost everybody admires. She is extremely pretty as well. How will they fall for each other? To know the love story of Hale and Marine, you will have to read Falling For Danger!

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Falling For Danger Chapter 13: Looking Back At The Chapter

Chapter 13 of Falling For Danger was hilarious if you ask me. The chapter began with everybody questioning Marine as to why she left with Hale last evening. She has no answer to the question because of obvious reasons. She cannot disclose her personal life to anybody else. Everybody at her workplace gives her weird stares and questions her almost harshly. They turn their questions towards Hale, but he gives no answer. At last, Marine avoids the further interrogation by stating that she felt sick last evening.

Hale and Marine leave the place together. They have a cute banter over cigarettes and smoking. That was indeed a cutesy moment I think. When Hale and Marine enter the apartment, somebody launches themselves on Hale. This “somebody” is none other than the teenage girl whom Hale is trying to save. She tries to attack Hale in numerous ways but eventually fails. In the end, she gives up and locks herself up. Although Marine gets upset with the whole kidnapping situation, after knowing that Hale is trying to save her, she sympathizes with the little girl and offers her food.

Falling For Danger Chapter 14: What To Expect?

In Chapter 14, we may witness the teenage girl attacking Hale with the knife that she took from her plate of food. The story is going to get more interesting and engaging as we move forward.

Falling For Danger Reading Platform

Falling For Danger is available for reading in English. You can read the comic on Manta Comics in English.

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