Unknown, a four-part documentary film series, premiered its final instalment on Netflix a while ago. Entitled, Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine, this documentary film is centred around an unfathomable concept–space. While everyone nowadays is aware of that term and the broad spectrum of entities it contains, back then, it wasn’t this obvious. Space was once a term coined by Ursula K. Le to conceptualize the concept of a space existing beyond the premises of Earth.
Directed by Shai Gal, Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine revolves around the concept of space explored by a telescope designed for the same purpose. Named after the second administrator of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the James Webb Space Telescope is a revolutionary tool. Several scientists collaborated together to manifest a telescope that could study and report the formation of life and stars. In this Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine ending explained, let me take you on a ride to imploring the majestic galaxies!
Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine Plot Synopsis
NASA is a pioneer in the field of science having proposed thousands of theories and carried out effective missions. In 1996, this institute proposed an idea to launch a telescope into space. The main goal of the mission was to discover the plausibility of life on other planets in space. As time went by, the NEXUS Space Telescope was formed only for it to be rejected in 2001. The telescope was renamed a year later to honour NASA’s second administrator, James Webb.
However, despite the decade-long effort put into constructing the telescope, the U.S. government cancelled the project. The reason was claimed to be the mission’s extensive budget and time delay. Some even accused the mission to be lousy and improperly led. In 2011, the task was renewed and the responsibility of leading the project fell on the shoulders of Thomas Zurbuchen. He then, proved the critics wrong and carried on with the mission with his strong leadership skills.
Gal’s Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine explores, both the creation of the telescope and its launch in its sixty-four minute runtime. Zurbuchen sits down in front of the camera and narrates his experience leading a team of brilliant scientists for the documentary. Yet, I feel the magic in this film happens in its second half after the telescope is launched into space.
Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine Ending Explained
After working day in and day out, Thomas and his team finally disclosed the launch date as December 25. The James Webb Telescope was supposed to be a Christmas gift and what a gift it was! In collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA launched the telescope on December 25, 2021. As Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine chronicles, the excitement for the launch roared in everyone’s heart. Everyone was hooked to their screens at the time of launch which is described as “flawless” by the astronauts.
As the scientist working on this project, Amber Straughn, mentioned, the success of this telescope meant everything to the team. They have suffered a lot of criticism as it is due to the delay and extensive budget. Moreover, the team members have poured their skills and heart into making this telescope. As they witnessed it flying high, their efforts finally paid off.
The James Webb Telescope Celebrates Its First Anniversary
While launching the telescope has been a crucial step in this gigantic endeavour, the success-defining factor is the results produced by it. And the James Webb Telescope has been a major success in terms of the results and reports produced by it!
In December 2022, the telescope celebrated its first anniversary. The team behind this project shared photos of the galaxies and planets discovered by the telescope. What’s better? The James Webb Telescope discovered a lost planet and has succeeded in finding the source of life–water–on some planets, too. The research team at NASA shared these observations and their thesis in July 2023 on the official website of The James Webb Telescope. The mission will continue for five more years and we can only imagine what intricacies would this telescope deliver.
In the last part of this insightful and compelling documentary film series, the creators deliver a power-packed, emotion-fueled performance. As its title implies, Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine delves into the nitty-gritty details of space, galaxies and the world beyond the Earth. It is now premiering on Netflix for you to binge on!
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