Many a time, we find documentary series of movies or series specially belonging to the drama genre to be based on real-life events, we also sometimes end up finding movies from the horror genre based on real-life events whereas the thriller genre is something which is very difficult to portray when it comes to adapting real-life events into movies and shows and maintaining the same level of anticipation which audiences have for the actual incident. After a long time, we see Lifetime bringing out such great work to us and that is none other than the kept mistress killer, from the title of the movie only it is very much clear that there is a murder mystery somewhere revolving around the storyline of the movie and yes you all are not wrong. Now for all those who have watched the movie, we can assume that you are already filled with praise for this excellent project, however for all those who haven’t watched the movie yet, no worries because we are going to brief you a bit about the story.
It’s basically the story of an office romance that slowly builds over a small period of time between a married man and a single woman, however, everything changes when there is murder which engulfs both the character in its crooked claws and that is what the entire movie revolves around. However, another main question that we have been asked a lot is regarding whether the movie is based on a true story. The answer is no the movie is not based on a true story; however, it is quite normal to assume so considering how realistic the portrayal of the movie has been.
Is Lifetime’s The Kept Mistress Killer Based On A True Story?
Now as we have already mentioned the story which has been portrayed in the movie the kept mistress killer is actually not based on any true incident, however, there are certain aspects of the story which we can relate to in our day-to-day lives. The first aspect of the story is office romance. As we all know Catherine has gone for an interview to become a successful trader and that is where she and her boss click together, which soon ends up being a romantic relationship. Now there have been many previous movies as well as real-life instances where we have seen married men ending up having romantic relationships with their office colleagues in the field of work.
Following this as we all know the movie soon movies forward to the sector of the murder of Paul’s wife who is basically being cheated on by Paul and Catherine. Now there we find many motives and many instances which make the story very easy to be true, which becomes another big reason that people have been so curious about whether the movie is based on a true story or not.
Along with this, the credit must also go to the makers of the movie because it was their efforts in the field of story writing, directing cinematography, and every little detail which they refined while making the movie, that finally ended up making the movie so real-life-like. Along with that, there must be much praise also going towards the actors of the movie for performing such a great task and bringing out the true intent of the story.
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The Kept Mistress Killer Cast
In the cast of the movie, we see a lot of names whom we may not have heard about in the past, but we can’t deny that they have actually outdone themselves, in making this movie such a huge hit. We see Alicia Leigh Willis and Mathew Pohlkamp being the main stars of the movie. Along with that, there are many other actors such as Salie Glaner, Kim Grant, Jessie Vaughn, Brooks Ryan, Aston Leigh, and many others who have had a major role in making this movie such a huge hit.
Where Can We Watch The Kept Mistress Killer?
The movie is currently available for streaming on the Lifetime platform as it is a Lifetime original along with that the trailer of the movie is available both on the Lifetime as well as the YouTube platform.
Frequently Asked Questions
Based on the ratings and audience response, the movie is quite good.
No the movie is not based on a true story.
No there are going to be no sequels to the movie.
The movie is available for streaming on the Lifetime platform.
The podcast shares the same title as the movie.
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