Sahil Sangha’s adaptation of the British miniseries, Dark Money, premiered on Sony Liv in June. Ever since the audience witnessed Sharman Joshi embodying Raghav Vashist, they have been going berserk. Centred around the life story of a commoner forced to stand against the mighty and powerful, Kafas has amassed a solid fan base. Even if the series hasn’t been an instant hit, Sangha’s directorial skills and the flawless performance of the actors have helped the boat sail to the shore.
Kafas Season 1, with its modest storyline, didn’t end on an intriguing note. It didn’t leave many cliffhangers much to fans’ distaste which is why Kafas Season 2 has been an engrossing topic amongst fans. If you are one of those curious minds, searching for updates regarding Kafas Season 2, here’s your chance!
Kafas Season 2 Release Date
In early 2023, Sony Liv announced a fresh and heartbreaking tale of a middle-class family. Written by Karan Sharma, Kafas is inspired by Levi David Addai’s Dark Money. With Sharman Joshi and Mona Singh in the lead roles, the series premiered on June 23, 2023. The series garnered mixed reviews from the audience but the intensity of the storyline and its unabashed approach to male assault helped Kafas immensely.
As compelling as the storyline has been, its ending was rather bland. Sharma didn’t leave the audience with many cliffhangers and attempted to create a fulfilling experience for the viewer. His successful attempt shut down any hopes fans could have regarding Kafas Season 2. Though it isn’t officially confirmed by the makers or the OTT platform, Kafas Season 2 doesn’t have a high chance of approval. If Sangha’s series returns for a sequel, it wouldn’t be before the third quarter of 2024.
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Kafas Season 2 Plot
Kafas is a messy tale of the influence of money and the power of fame. Raghav Vashisht (Sharman Joshi) and his wife, Seema (Mona Singh) reside in the quiet lanes of a decent neighbourhood with their children, Shaurya aka Sunny (Mikhail Gandhi) and Shreya (Tejasvi Singh Ahlawat). Like half of the world’s population, Raghav and Seema are content in their simple lives. When Sunny bags an opportunity to star in a 300 crore INR budget film, the Vashishts are beyond thrilled. Sunny gets to star alongside Vikram Bajaj (Vivan Bhatena), a well-renowned actor and it is nothing short of a dream come true for the Vashishts.
But as the production begins, Sunny becomes trapped due to Vikram’s pedophilic nature. Hence, the name of the film: Kafas (aka trapped). Raghav and Seema soon find themselves caught in the web of discouragement and demoralization. With his influence and exorbitance, Vikram is carefree but the Vashishts are suppressed under the weight of grief and turmoil.
Kafas Season 1 managed to tie all loose ends. The Vashishts fought against the so-called myth of male harassment and emerged as a stronger family. However, Raghav’s complex relationship with his ex-wife, Meghna (Mona Wasu) and their son isn’t addressed to full satisfaction. Though chances are slim, if Kafas Season 2 is approved, it will be expected to clarify Raghav, Seema and Meghna’s triangle.
Kafas Season 2 Cast And Character Details
The series is led by Sharman Joshi as Raghav Vashisht, a nine-to-five working-class husband and father. Raghav’s character is intricately developed with equal amounts of fearlessness and cautiousness. His wife, Seema (Mona Singh), is commendably genius. However, her motherly ferociousness is overshadowed by her urge to protect her son.
Vikram Bajaj, the sadistic antagonist, is portrayed by Vivan Bhatena. Bajaj is a hero worshipped by many on the surface but beneath it, he’s a molester. Shaurya “Sunny” Vashisht (Mikhail Gandhi) is a mischievous teen, tormented by the person he considered his mentor. His older sister, Shreya (Tejasvi Singh Ahlavat) is impulsive and tenacious. If Kafas Season 2 is approved, these actors would reprise their roles sans Bhatena of course.
Kafas Season 2: FAQs
It is a dramatic portrayal of the struggle endured by the Vashisht family to achieve justice for their son who has been harassed by a popular actor.
No, it is not approved yet.
Though the series doesn’t have a high chance of approval, it is expected that Kafas Season 2 would premiere in the third quarter of 2023.
If you are into family dramas, try Sangha’s Kafas.
No, there is no trailer available yet.
You can stream Kafas on Sony Liv.
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