Is Eldorado: Everything The Nazis Hate Based On A Story?

Historical movies and docuseries have always been an interesting movies and series to watch for the fans of history and the world. When we talk about history somewhere in our brains it comes to the golden era but also the destructive part of world wars. In the time of World War 2 an emerging leader rose named Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazis.

This docuseries is all about the Nazis who came into power and started destroying the world of the third gender, that is the queer communities. All the bars and places of this community were destroyed badly by the Nazis.

Everything you need to know about the past along with fun and heartfelt scenes is shown in the series directed by Benjamin Cantu. The series is the biggest hit for fans who love to watch series on our past and historical world.

Is Eldorado: Everything The Nazis Hate Based On A True Story?

After watching the amazing trailer of this series, a question arises in all our minds; Is Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate based on a true story? The answer to this most asked question by everyone is Yes. 

All the incidents and stories seen in the series are all based on true events and have happened in the past with the LGBTQ+ community in Berlin state. It depicts how cruel and rude the Nazis were to the queer community and were all set to destroy them and their lives completely.

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Plot Of The Docuseries

The series is a documentary film of the most influential and cruel leaders of the world Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazis community. He by the time of his rise in power started destroying the queers’ community and all the places of their entertainment. 

Adolf Hitler is a well-known individual of the past. His actions have every time threatened the world. There have been docuseries showing the cruel nature and truth of the life and deeds of Hitler. But this time Hollywood is back with a new series showing Hitler and his followers from the Nazi community going against the innocent queer community.

Eldorado is the bar and dancing nightclub of the queer community where lesbians or gays used to dance cheerfully in front of rich people and make them happy to earn some money from their shows. It was the heavenly place for the queer community where they can be cheerful enough and earn money to fulfill their needs as they were not eligible in other areas to work.

But it was in the mid of 1920-1930 when the policemen and leaders of the Nazi community started acting cruel and all against the queer community. The orders to seal down all the dancing and nightclubs of homosexuals and also the other places which were only for the access and betterment of homosexuals were closed or changed into markets.

The series shows the lost freedoms of the queer community after the rise in power of these Nazis. It shows how many challenges homosexuals have to face irrespective of their innocence. The cruelty and inhumane nature of the Nazis are very clearly shown in the series that will make you cry aloud.

Cast Of The Docuseries

The series Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate is co-written by Benjamin Cantu and Felix Kriegsheim. The series has a group of adorable artists whose actions have made the characters look the same in real life.

The cast of the series includes, Eren Guvercin staring as Manasse Herbst, Eli Otto Kappo staring as Charlotte Charlaque, Antonio Lallo staring as Ernst Rohm, Nicolo Pasetti staring as Gottfried Von Cramm, Livia Matthes staring as Lisa Von Dobeneck, Barbel Schwarz staring as Claries Waldorf, Felix Vogel staring as Karl Ernst, Blanca Vay staring as Toni Ebel, Luke Pipiles staring as Sound Walter, Anton Rattinger staring as Magnus Hirschfeld, and David Ali Rashdes staring as Lumpi.

This was about the amazing star cast of the series who by their hard work and amazing talent made the series look so emphasing and real. It is the artist who makes the series and the show look good and relate for the audience to watch it and feel the actions in the series.


The LGBTQ+ community has been facing discrimination problems since the past, and one of the greatest examples from history is when the Nazis community after the rise in power of Hitler, started behaving harshly and rudely with this community. 

Homosexuals have to face a lot of problems than in the 20s when all the entertainment places of the queers and the dance bars and nightclubs where they used to perform, be happy, and earn some money were all either closed or destroyed by the Berlin government. 

The series has shown all the challenges ad problems faced by homosexuals in those times, and everything shown in the series is so real that it melts our hearts and covers us with the grief and shame of humans not respecting other human beings. This article was all about the new series Eldorado: Everything the Nazis. We have covered the plot and cast of the series as well. Stay Tuned! 

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