A friendship saga blended with realistic elements, Jee Karda is a Prime Video series helmed by Arunima Sharma. Tackling issues of traditional Indian weddings jinxed with the urban mindset of our generation, Jee Karda proves to be a hazy blend. The Tamannaah Bhatia starrer is encrusted with a star-studded cast ensemble and each of them adds an exotic touch to the series. Be it the Gujarati Sheetal and her husband Sameer or the modern Christian, Melroy, each of them possess a different outlook on life and a story to tell. Jee Karda enables each of these characters to pour their stories and hearts out to us.
Jee Karda is a tale of seven friends–Preet Chuharmalani (Anya Singh), Shahid Ansar (Hussain Dalal), Rishabh Rathore (Suhail Nayyar), Lavanya Singh (Tamannaah Bhatia), Melroy D’Monte (Sayan Banerjee), Sheetal Kotadiya (Samvedna Suwalka) and Arjun Gill (Ashim Gulati). These friends hail from contrasting backgrounds and while as teenagers it doesn’t affect them, their adult life is dominated by it. It is due to the realism that these characters instil in the series that fans are left to wonder whether Jee Karda is based on a true story. If you’re one of those, look no further!
Is Jee Karda Based On A True Story?
In the 90s when future predictors were still hailed as some mystical entities, no one was left privy to them. Kids, especially, held a deeper place in their hearts for these prognosticators. Such is the case with these seven teenagers, too. They reach a magician, hoping to learn something about their future. What they discover, however, is a warning. Preet is warned to stay careful with love. Sheetal is asked to stay beware of sweets. Shahid should never forget his social status. Arjun is given heads-up to be on the alert with his father and Rishabh is instructed to never trust his brother.
The red flag? Rishabh has no brother and Arjun has no father.
This isn’t a superstition-based fantasy, rather it is a highly realistic portrayal of how messy friendships and relationships could get. While Arunima Sharma’s series is incredibly realistic and dipped in tears, it is not a real-life story. It might contain some highly realistic elements but Jee Karda is not based on a true story. Rather, it is more of a series that will force you to believe it is a real-life based story.
Is Jee Karda Adapted From A Novel?
Like most of the friendship-based slice-of-life series, Jee Karda seems to be an adaptation of a novel, doesn’t it? With elements such as Rishabh’s abundant trust in his former girlfriend and now wife, Lavanya and her jinxed feelings towards Arjun, this series surely seems to be adapted from a dramatic novel. However, this isn’t the case.
Jee Karda isn’t just about friendship or relationships, it is also about self-acceptance, toxicity and the complications that tag along with stupid decisions. And it is all a part of Hussain Dalal, Abbas Dalal and Arunima Sharma’s imagination that Jee Karda is now premiering on Prime Video. The production for the series has been ongoing for a couple of years now and finally, their imagination is onscreen now.
Jee Karda Plot Synopsis
After the prediction incident, these teenagers slowly start to put the warnings aside and grab control of their lives. A dozen years later, they are almost settled in their lives. Sheetal has married her teenage crush, Sameer. Lavanya and Rishabh are about to walk down the altar. Preet is now a counsellor and Shahid is a professor. Arjun has become a pop idol and Mel has embraced his life with open arms. On the surface, it is all sorted and these friends are still as much connected to each other as always.
But, it isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Mel is trying to hold his relationship with Yavar from crumbling down. Lavanya is burdened with her anxiety issues and Rishabh’s hotel franchise is going down. Arjun has no stability in his life and his feelings towards Lavanya are complicating everything. Sheetal is sick of not having space and Shahid is frustrated with her friends.
When these friends hit their 30s, they realize the prophecy is slowly proving to be the truth. Now, they are left to manage their 12-year-long friendship and sustain themselves in the process.
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