The Menu Ending Explained: Why Did The Chef Set Margot Free? What Is Her Real Identity?

The Menu is a story of an artist who is deteriorating in his skills and having a constant fear of losing his love and affection towards his art. The story of The Menu revolves around wealthy and extremely rich people who are living their best and most lavish lives. They are then invited to a luxurious and expensive restaurant. This multi-cuisine restaurant is located on a faraway island excluded from the glim and glam of the city world. 

Isn’t it fascinating? Aren’t you expecting an invite as well? Well, the answer to it is definitely a big Yes!

The Menu Ending Explained

As we reach the end of the movie, we see all the characters accepting their situations and embracing their destiny. The practice of setting up characters in The Menu is to passionately knock each one down. The chef is depicted in the movie as both an artist and a person who offers a service. It’s a defence of all types of cooking as arts and a critique of the celebrity chef mentality.

Only Erin is able to recapture the pure joy of preparing delicious meals for a satisfied customer. By the conclusion, the survivors have come to terms with their demise and recognised Erin’s freedom. Erin stands out as the one who doesn’t comprehend the environment she has been thrust into and who won’t give in. She then gives Slowik one last taste of his artistic ecstasy before he releases her.

What does the Cheeseburger Depict?

The biggest confusion which arises in the movie is what is the whole fuss about the cheeseburger? How did it save Margot’s life? What did it depict?

Well, the ending is the ending of the movie concludes that the whole usage of cheeseburger was nothing extraordinary and was just used as a metaphor. Towards the end, we can see him finally trying to escape from the kitchen and asking the chef to make something for her. He instead makes a cheeseburger and packs it up in a bag.

The final ending of the movie especially Margot’s role is seen on a boat where she’s eating a cheeseburger on the other hand the whole of the island and the restaurant is burnt to pieces. A lot of confusion has been created because of the ending which is not at all clear to the audiences and has been one of the biggest criticisms of the movie.

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Who Is Margot? What Is Her Actual Identity?

If you’ve watched any other thriller you would know that there is one particular character who hides their personality and real identity from the world. Margot is one such character in The Menu. Irrespective of the lavish life which Margot shows herself to be in, that is not the truth. She in reality is someone who gets attracted towards wealth and is actually a sex worker.

What Was Margot’s Role?

Margot was allowed to leave the restaurant. The reason behind it was very simple. Chef Slowik had a pre-planned notion of inviting just the wealthy and extremely rich people so that he could take his revenge. After finding out about Margot’s reality and her true identity of not being fit in any of the above-mentioned criteria, he sets her free.

What Is The Actual Criticism?

With the passing of the story and it is reaching an end, viewers have found certain complexities in the movie. The critics openly nodded their heads and showed a red flag to the storyline towards the end. This huge criticism is received because of one very intriguing point: none of the guests tries to come out and escape from Chef Showlik’s clutches. Despite the chefs asking and giving them the opportunity to leave, the guests do not show any such interest.

What Is Fine Dining Culture?

The Menu is suffused with authentic fine dining culture throughout, from the beginning to the very end. A lot of effort was made by the crew to document every aspect of dining and working of the restaurant to make it even more appealing for the viewers.

The attention to detail extended beyond the cuisine to include the way everything was arranged, as well as the server’s and waiter’s movements and dancing were also impeccable and fascinating which were captured to the minute of details to be more appealing to the audience. The movies did extremely well on screens and bagged a good amount of bucks.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is the restaurant situated?

The multi-cuisine restaurant is located on a faraway island called Tybee Beach near Horsepen point drive.

2. What is the real name of Margot?

Margot in actual is Erin.

3. What is the profession of Margor?

Margot was a sex worker.

4. What is the name of the Chef?

The Chef who invites all the guests is Chef Showlik.

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