Gilmore Girls is an American television series that released its first episode on the 5th of October 2000. The show has 7 main seasons and another reboot sort of season named “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” which aired on the 26th of November 2016.
The show is known by most people who were active watchers back in the 2000s. The show was given a rating of 8.2/10 on IMDb, an 87% by Rotten Tomatoes, and a complete 5/5 by Common Sense Media. The audience rated the series as a 4.7/5 via an audience rating summary.
We shall discuss if there is any chance of another reboot of this well-known series to be released anytime in the future.
Will There Be More Gilmore Girls?
Yes, there is a possibility of there being another season of the later released sequel of the series named “Gilmore Girls: A Year In Life”. But similar to the most awaited releases, there being another season in the Gilmore Girls series is not yet officially confirmed.
The thing is that the previous season did pretty much give us insights into our favorite characters but, it did not properly wrap up the long-lost friend’s story. Irrespective the show has been jumping over quite a bit of obstacle after it was pretty much canceled after the 6th season because of the showrunners leaving the show after having their contract negotiations broken down.
The audience considered and termed the series as the one they never got tired of watching. The cast does a satisfying job, the storyline is unique to itself, and the pacing is good too. The series successfully touched the lives of its viewers and set up a solid fanbase for themselves.
Gilmore Girls Cast
The show has an amazing cast namely Lauren Graham who plays the role of Lorelai Gilmore Rory’s mother, a single mom in her 30s who runs an inn, Alexis Bledel the one who plays the role of Rory Gilmore the 17-year-old daughter of Lorelai, and Melissa McCarthy the one who plays Sookie St. James Lorelai’s best friend and the co-owner of the Dragonfly Inn.
Then we have Keiko Agena who plays the role of Lane Kim Rory’s best friend, Yanic Truesdale who plays the role of Michel Gerard the concierge of Lorelai and Sookie’s inn, Scott Patterson the one who plays the role of Luke Danes Lorelai’s friend cum love interest, Kelly Bishop who plays the role of Emily Gilmore the matriarch of the Gilmore family, and Edward Herrmann the one who plays Richard Gilmore the patriarch of the Gilmore family.
Then we have Liza Weil who plays the role of Paris Geller Rory’s friend, Jared Padalecki the one who plays the role of Dean Forester Rory’s boyfriend in the initial seasons, Milo Ventimiglia the one who plays the role of Jess Mariano Luke’s nephew, Sean Gunn the one who plays Kirk Gleason the one who gets rejected by Lorelai and ends up dating Lulu, Chris Eigeman the one who plays Jason Stiles one of Lorelai’s boyfriends who was also a business partner of Richard, and last but not the least we have Matt Czuchry playing Logan Huntzberger Rory’s boyfriend in the later seasons.
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Gilmore Girls Story
The story of Gilmore girls revolves around a pair of, a single mother in her 30s and her daughter who was 17 at the beginning of the series. The story highlights and states Lorelai’s (the mother) back story. She became pregnant with Rory around the age of 16. She birthed her and decided to raise her alone, thus she settled in a close-knit small town called Stars Hollow.
Lorelai struggles and makes a living for herself and Rory while taking care of her as not just a mother but also as a best friend who has been with her all through her life. Rory’s education was taken care of by Lorelai’s rich parents on the condition that they met them every Friday night for dinner.
The story is about the struggles they face and the lives they live trying to dodge every obstacle that is thrown at them. It is a fun-to-watch, humorful, and family-friendly drama.
Gilmore Girls Trailer
If you are curious about the series and are unsure about starting it out of the blue, then you are recommended to watch the trailer for all seven seasons and “Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life” online on either Netflix or YouTube.
Where To Watch Gilmore Girls Online?
If you have decided to watch the Gilmore Girls series online and are clueless about where you can binge-watch the series, then here is the answer. You can binge the entirety of the series online on Netflix.
The series has a total of 7 seasons with a sum of 153 episodes, with an average runtime of 45 minutes, then we have a reboot season with 4 episodes with the episodes being 88 to 102 minutes long.
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