Interviews with Monster Girls is a comedy and supernatural anime directed by Ryo Ando and produced by Kensuke Tateishi, Natsuko Tatsuzawa, Shunsuke Saito, and Narumi Odagiri. The television series is adapted from its manga named “Demi-chan wa Kataritai”, written by Petos and published by Kodansha.
The manga has a total of 10 volumes as of now. The first volume of the manga was released on September 5, 2014. A spin-off manga was then released of the same named “Occult-chan wa Katarenai”. This manga was written by Kae Hoshimoto and illustrated by Hajime Honda. The manga has a total of 7 volumes and the first volume of the manga was released on January 5, 2019.
The anime television series was released in Japanese on Crunchyroll on January 7, 2017. The anime series was loved by the audience. The English dub of the anime began its release on January 25, 2017, by Funimation. The anime TV series has an overall rating of 7.4 out of 10 on IMDb with 82% of the people liking the anime on google. Anime-Planet has given a rating of 4 out of 5 for the anime series.
Manga releases each volume of Demi-chan wa Kataritai on yearly basis due to its popularity among the fans.
Interviews With Monster Girls Season 2 Release Date
The good news for all the fans of Interviews with Monster Girls is that Funimation had approved and licensed a renewal for the second season of the anime. Ryo Ando, the director of the anime said that they are getting ready for the release of the anime. No official announcements or confirmations are made regarding the release dates of the anime.
Without any official updates, we can only speculate on the release date for the second season of the anime. The next season of the anime may release by the end of 2023. It’s been over five years since the release of its first season. Fans are hoping for the second season to have a few more episodes than the first season. We might also have a special episode in the second season like the one in the first season.
The first season of Interviews with Monster Girls was released on January 7, 2017, and the last episode aired on March 25, 2017. A special episode was released named “The Demi-chans’ Summer Break” on June 29, 2017. The special episode was later on counted as the thirteenth episode of the anime series.
Name Of The Show | Interviews With Monster Girls |
Season Number | Season 2 |
Genre | Comedy, Supernatural |
Interviews With Monster Girls Season 1 Release Date | 7 January 2017 |
Interviews With Monster Girls Season 2 Release Date | Not Announced |
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Interviews With Monster Girls Season 2 Story
The makers have not announced the release date of the anime but most probably there will be another season of the anime. We all know that the manga has completed 9 volumes and the next volume that is, the tenth volume is ongoing. Almost two volumes of the manga have been adapted into the series. There is a lot to complete as there are seven more volumes in the manga.
The story of the anime TV series is quite intriguing which keeps you engaged in your screens. The main roles are of demis who have finally started to be accepted in society. The story is about their biology teacher trying to gel up with them which gives the story a humorous touch.
Interviews With Monster Girls Season 2 Characters
The main characters of the second season of Interviews with Monster Girls will be the same as that of the first season. There might be a few additions to the characters too.
The characters of Interviews with Monster Girls include Tetsuo Takahashi voiced by Junichi Suwabe (Japanese) and Cris George (English), Hikari Takanashi voiced by Kaede Hondo (Japanese) and Bryn Apprill (English), Kyoko Machi voiced by Minami Shinoda (Japanese) and Terri Doty (English), Yuki Kusakabe voiced by Shiina Natsukawa (Japanese) and Sarah Wiedenheft (English), Himari Takanashi voiced by Lynn (Japanese) and Jamie Marchi (English), Sakie Sato voiced by Yoko Hikasa (Japanese) and Morgan Garrett (English), Kurtz voiced by Sora Amamiya (Japanese) and Mikaela Krantz (English), Soma voiced by Natsuki Hanae (Japanese) and Dave Trosko (English), and Ugaki voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda (Japanese) and Bill Jenkins (English).
Interviews With Monster Girls Season 2 Trailer
The trailer of Interviews with Monster Girls has not been released yet. When released, we will update the same.
Where To Watch Interviews With Monster Girls Season 2 Online?
Interviews with Monster Girls have not been released yet, so you can’t watch them anywhere as of now. When released, you can watch it online on Crunchyroll.
All the episodes of the first season of Interviews with Monster Girls are available on Crunchyroll. Every anime fan will be familiar with this streaming site.
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