Striking Out is an Irish drama tv series created by James Phelan and directed by Lisa James Larsson and Simon Massey. The series premiered on 1 January 2017 on RTÉ One, the series has completed 2 seasons so far. The first season of the series had 4 episodes followed by the second season which had 6 episodes each running for about 60 minutes. The series has come a long way since its release in 2017 the second season was released just after one year, and since then fans have been kept in dark whether the makers are coming up with a new season of the series has ended for good.
Nobody has actually answered this question yet, you might be on your edge to know what are the future plans for the series. We will cover all the information related to season 3 in this article so do not skip any part and read it entirely. The series follows the story of Tara Rafferty who finds out that her fiancé went to his old flat with an unknown woman and she learns about his true intentions and that he is cheating on her with this new woman she asks his fiancé to move out of her house. This one incident changes her as a person and she leaves her old law firm and starts her new journey as a divorce lawyer.
Striking Out Season 3 Release Date
It’s been years since the first 2 seasons were released, and many fans have left their hope that the series will even make a return in the future, but as of now, there are no plans to make the third season. According to IMDB, the series has been watched by 1.8K users who have rated the series 7.6 out of 10. The score of the series is quite good if we focus on the critical reception of the series then the return of the series seems very positive, however with the rumor that the series was making a come back in 2020 has given us a hint that it’s not going to happen any time soon. If the makers were planning to release the series in 2020 then we would have got it until now, since we have not received any news about its renewal season 3 release is still in dark.
Name of the Show | Striking Out |
Season Number | Season 3 |
Genre | Legal Drama |
Striking Out Season 1 Release Date | 1 January 2017 |
Striking Out Season 3 Release Date | Not Announced Yet |
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Striking Out Season 3 Story
The series is yet to be renewed for season 3, the story from the last season is as follows. A renowned lawyer named Tara Rafferty was living her best life ready to get married within months. Tara’s life turns upside down when she finds out that her fiancé is cheating on her with her own eyes. Her professional life falls apart after this entire cheating session she gets broke by using most of her money on her soon-to-be wedding. When the wedding is called off tara has nothing left, that’s when she leaves her fiancé’s law firm and decided to open her own law firm specializing in divorce cases. She fights cases for the privacy and dignity of her clients, and with this whole new persona she decided what she wants to do with the rest of her life by making difficult choices. During this challenging phase in her life, nobody supports her decision not until she makes her best team with Vicent and Meg by her side.
Striking Out Season 3 Cast
In the last season, the cast reprised their roles for the second season. We can assume that if season 3 ever happens then the cast from the past seasons will likely play the roles of the same character as earlier. Amy Huberman portrayed the character of Tara Rafferty, Rory Keenan portrayed the character of Eric Dunbar, Emmet Byrne portrayed the character of Ray Lamont, and Neil Morrissey portrayed the character of Vincent Pike. Kate Gilmore portrayed the character of Lucy Whelan, Paul Antony-Barber portrayed the character of Richard Dunbar, and Fiona O’Shaughnessy portrayed the character of Meg Riley.
Striking Out Season 3 Trailer
There is no trailer for the show’s third season. Till now, there is no news regarding the making of season 3, we can expect the show to return soon. Till then, enjoy the trailers of the previous seasons.
Where To Watch Striking Out Season 3 Online?
All the episodes of the last 2 seasons are currently streaming on AMC, Hoopla, Acorn TV, and Sundance Now (US). In the UK the series is streaming on Sky Go, STV Player, Virgin Tv Go, and Acorn Tv.
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