Manifest is an American drama based on supernatural activities. The show was created and directed by Jeff Rake. It was originally aired on NBC, a television channel. It is produced by a team of producers, which includes Cathy Frank, Laura Putney, Margaret Easley, Harvey Waldman, Marta Gené Camps, and 6 other executive producers. The show was made under the production house Compari Entertainment, Jeff Rake Productions, Universal Television, and Warner Bros. Television. The show has a rating of 7.1 out of 10 on IMDb.
It was aired on September 24, 2018, while the second season was out in 2020, and further season 3 was released in June 2021. The show tells the story of the plane that appears after five years after they were assumed to be dead till now. It has a total of 3 seasons with 16 episodes in each season, making it a total of 36 episodes of roughly 35-40 minutes.
Manifest Season 4 Release Date
In June 2020, the third season of Manifest was released. Later at the beginning of this year, the series was released on Netflix. Soon after release, within 2 or 3 weeks, the series topped the Netflix chart. The series was an instant hit all over the world and gained very instant fans all across. This made Netflix give a green signal to another season, which is season 4 and also the final season. It will consist of a total of 20 episodes, each of 30 minutes.
Finally, after much wait, the release for the upcoming season has been announced. The first part of the Manifest Season 4 will be making its way on 4 November 2022. The other 10 episodes have no premiere date fixed. However, we can expect the other part to be released in 2023.
Name Of The Show | Manifest |
Season Number | Season 4 |
Genre | drama, Supernatural |
manifest season 1 Release Date | 24 September 2018 |
manifest season 4 Release Date | 4 November 2022 |
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Manifest Season 4 Story
The series revolves around a serious and mysterious incident that occurred to an Airplane carrying 191 passengers, and the flight was named Montego Air Flight 828. It was traveling from Jamaica to New York City. But while the flight was mid-air, suddenly the flight experienced Bhenkar turbulence which lasted for very long, and all the passengers were scared. After a few hours, the flight finally landed in Newburgh, New York at Stewart international airport. But things get twisted here. Everyone gets scared and surprised after the plane landing. Later on, the passengers come to realize that they have been in the year for five years, which is absolutely impossible. But that is what makes it interesting. Everyone is surprised by these unnatural happenings.
This sudden appearance also led to one more problem. The flight passengers were finding it very difficult to adjust back with their families after a long time of disappearance. They felt weird, and even their loved ones behaved oddly. Another mysterious twist includes, All the passengers that were on that plane developed a weird power, they began to hear anonymous voices that guided them, and a few also had some visions which told them about future happenings. As you can read already, it is a very interesting series and a must-watch.
The story for this season will return as a bang-on. Since it will be the final installment, the storyline will be concluded, most probably on a satisfying note.
Manifest Season 4 Cast
Manifest has a big and broad range of cast. It stars mainly stars a few popular actors like Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone, who is a detective at NYPD, she is also among the main passengers on the flight. She is my sister of, Ben. Josh Dallas is Ben Stone, He is a college associate and a maths teacher at a college, also a passenger at the plane. Athena Karkanis as Grace Stone, who is Ben’s wife and Michaela’s sister-in-law, owns a catering business.
J. R. Ramirez, as Jared Vasquez, a detective at the NYPD, was ben’s sister Michele’s fiance, who later called off marriage and married her best friend instead, but he also got divorced. Parveen Kaur, as Saanvi Bahl, is a doctor at mercy hospital and is also a flight passenger. Matt Long, as Zeke Landon, represents a hiker who was trapped in a cave, he was also assumed o be dead but later, he comes back, just like the flight passengers. Holly, Taylor as Angelina Meyer, a flight passenger too, was tortured by her very catholic parents, which made her run away. Later she was adopted by Michele and Zeke.
Daryl Edwards, as Robert Vance, The director of NSA, was the in-charge of the investigation of the plane reoccurrence after five years; his character is very mysterious, as he was killed in the first season in some raid, but still, he is alive in the second season, and only a few people know about his existence.
Manifest season 4 will feature the same main cast. All the lead characters will be reprising their roles. if the makers have planned of adding new faces to the series, then that’s unknown till now.
Manifest Season 4 Trailer
where to watch manifest online?
You can also watch the complete series easily on Netflix with different dubbing and subtitles.
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