Summer Time Rendering is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Yasuki Tanaka. It was serialized in Shueisha’s digital magazine Shōnen Jump + from October 2017 to February 2021. The anime television series adaptation by OLM premiered in April 2022. Live-action and realistic escape games have also been announced. After the death of her parents, Shinpei Ajiro grew up with two sisters Kofun Ushio and Mio. As an adult, Shinpei lived in Tokyo, until he heard the shocking news that Ushio had died from drowning. He returns to the remote island town but becomes suspicious when he notices that Ushio’s body has marks around his neck. implying that she was strangled. Now haunted by her ghost and helped by Mio, Shinpei tries to figure out what really happened to Ushio and possibly save the townspeople from a strange dark mystery.
Summer Time Rendering Episode 20 Release Date
Episode 20 of the DST render is scheduled for Friday, August 26, 2022, at 00:00 Japan Standard Time. Episode 20 of Summer Time Build is slated to stream next week in Japan at the time of this writing and will showcase one of the series’ most anticipated moments to date. Summer Time Rendering couldn’t help but bring excitement and suspense from the very first episode of the anime. However, the final episodes of Summer Time Rendering begin with the revelation of Shide, Haine’s first child, which continues to blow our minds.
Now that Ushio is dead and Shinpei is doing everything to save his friends and the island, we are at the climax of the series. Summer Time Rendering Japanese manga series is written and illustrated by Yasuki Tanaka. From October 2017 to February 2021, Shueisha’s digital magazine, Shonen Jump+, serialized the story. In April 2022, OLM will release a television anime adaptation of the manga. There are also plans for a real escape game and a movie based on the book.
Name Of The Show | Summer Time Rendering |
Episode Number | Episode 20 |
Genre | Mystery, Supernatural |
Summer Time Rendering Episode 1 Release Date | 15 April 2022 |
Summer Time Rendering Episode 20 Release Date | 26 August 2022 |
ALSO READ: Summer Time Rendering Anime Release Date
Summer Time Rendering Episode 20 Characters
Summer Time Rendering characters are Shinpei Ajiro, Ushio Kofune, Mio Kofune, Hizuru Minakata, Ginjiro Nezu, and Sou Hishigata.
Summer Time Rendering Episode 20 Story
Since the death of his parents, Shinpei Ajiro has lived with the Kofun family and their two daughters, Mio and Ushio. Although he later left his home island to continue his studies in Tokyo, Shinpei returned from Ushio’s tragic drowning while trying to rescue a little girl. At the funeral, his best friend informs him of bruises found around Ushio’s neck, casting doubt on his cause of death. Disappearing people and other inexplicable events remind Mio of an old folktale referring to entities known as “Shadows”, which may not be entirely fanciful. Supposedly, an encounter with his Shadow foreshadows the person’s impending death. The funeral went well, but beneath the surface, something strange was brewing on the island. What mystery awaits him on this isolated summer island?
Summer Time Rendering Episode 19 Recap
Summer Time Render (aka Summertime Render) is approaching its climax as protagonist Shinpei slowly learns to fight the darkness on the island that is one of the most beloved anime for spring. He learned important information about the timeline with each time loop as he struggled to avoid the resurrection of “Mother”, which would lead to the deaths of the islanders. Shinpei has so far devised many strategies to destroy the Shadows and distinguish them from the humans they impersonate with the help of Nagomu and Nezu. But, more importantly, why did the Shadows replace humans in the first place? It’s like this Spiderman pointed to the spiderman meme, the whole conversation between Ushio and his shadow lol. Either way, we have the whole story of Ushio dying and his shadow surviving, all because of a futile attempt to save Shiori from drowning. That partly explains the confused and incomplete memories of Ushio’s shadow, but of course, they suddenly returned just in time.
Summer Time Rendering Episode 20 Trailer
The trailer shows the final scene of Season 1, where Shinpei dies by poisoning himself and promises to go back in time again and again until everyone is safe. Followed by a recap of each loop they went through, landing on the fifth and subsequent rounds.
Where To Watch Summer Time Rendering Online?
Summer Time Rendering is already available on Disney Plus Hotstar. Fans can watch the series on it.
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