An upcoming Tamil-language drama called Varisu is being helmed by Vamshi Paidipally, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Hari and Ahishor Solomon. Under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, Dil Raju and Sirish produced the film. Under the direction of action choreographer Ram Lakshman and dance choreographer Raju Sundaram, Shobi, the movie stars Vijay and Rashmika Mandanna, who give spectacular performances. With the cinematographer Karthik Palani and the editor Praveen K L, principal photography got underway in Chennai in April 2022. Vivek wrote the dialogue for the movie, and Thaman S is responsible for the music. On the occasion of Pongal, the movie is scheduled for a January 2023 theatrical release. The release of this movie with the big hit is eagerly anticipated by the audience. So continue reading to learn.
Varisu Movie Release Date
The film started production earlier this year, and major photography will start in Chennai in April 2022. It’s interesting to note that the filmmakers had originally asked for Chennai to be the only location for filming in order to support the local FEFSI members. However, on May 3rd, production would transfer to Hyderabad, where apparently 75% of the shoot was initially scheduled, and its first schedule would be completed on May 23rd. The Pongal Harvest Festival, which is expected to begin on January 15 and go through January 18th, will coincide with the release of Varisu in theaters all across India in January 2023. Early rumors claimed that the film would be shot in both Tamil and Telugu, however, the directors eventually clarified that Varisu would only be a Tamil-language production. The good news is that PVP Cinema will release Varisu together with a Telugu-dubbed version under the name “Vaarasudu.” Additionally, according to Janbhara Times, a Hindi-dubbing will be offered to viewers when the movie debuts, however, this has not yet been confirmed.
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Varisu Movie Cast
Thalapathy Varisu, a Tamil action and romantic film directed by Vamshi Paidipally and written by Hari and Ahishor Solomon is the name of Vijay’s 66th film. Rashmika Mandanna, Sarathkumar, Prakash Raj, Mehreen Pirzada, Yogi Babu, Prabhu, and Shaam are among the cast members of the film. Vivek, a lyricist, contributes additional dialogue and screenplay. Thaman S is the composer of the music, and Thalapathy 66 is his debut project with Vijay. The movie is expected to be released in theaters on January 20, 2023, the Pongal holiday. Hindi and Telugu versions are also expected to be released. On June 21, 2022, Vijay’s birthday night, the movie’s first look poster and title were unveiled.
- Rashmika Mandhana
A well-known actress, model, and social media influencer from India is Rashmika Mandanna. With the Kannada film “Kirik Party,” she launched her film debut in 2016. It works in Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada movies. She acted in her debut Tamil film Sultan in 2020 and her first Telugu film Chalo in 2018. She also triumphed in the Clean & Clear Fresh Face competition in 2014. He was then appointed as Clean & Clear’s ambassador. She has worked on a lot of popular movies. The most well-known of these films are “Anjani Putra,” “Chamak,” and “Pushpa.” Very few actresses in Tollywood have joined the 100-crore club, which also includes their names. And “Pushpa,” his recently released movie, has brought in almost 400 crores at the box office. People from all over the world really enjoy this movie. In addition to movies, he has participated in a lot of music videos. His most well-known music video is called “Inkem Inkem,” and about 210 million people have watched it on YouTube so far.
- Vijay
One of the top actors in India and frequently recognized as the most well-known Kollywood actor internationally is the South Indian superstar Vijay. He has carved out a significant position in everyone’s heart with his films such as Azhagiya Tamil Maga, Master, Theri, Mersal, Kaththi, Ghilli, Sarkar, and Bigi, Thuppakkil, Priyamudan, and many more.
Varisu Movie Story
Vijay’s 66th movie in a leading role, with the working title Thalapathy 66, was revealed on September 26, 2021. It is the first Tamil movie produced by Dil Raju and Sirish under Sri Venkateswara Creations, directed by Vamshi Paidipally, and is Paidipally’s second Tamil movie following Thozha. The directors made it clear that the movie will solely be shot in Tamil, contrary to certain reports that said it would be a Tamil-Telugu bilingual. Additionally, it was said that, in contrast to previous Vijay movies already in theaters, Paidipally intended to make this one in his own distinctive style, hence there would be no action scenes. On the eve of Vijay’s 48th birthday, on June 21, 2022, the title Varisu was revealed. This Tamil movie will be released under the romance and action genres. But as of right now, no declared plot has been established. As soon as the synopsis is released, we will update this page.
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