HIT: Sailesh Kolanu, a first-time director, and Prashanti Tipirneni are the producers of the action-thriller The First Case, which will be released in 2020. Vishwak Sen and Ruhani Sharma are the movie’s stars. The story centres on Vikram Rudraraju (Sen), a police officer assigned to the Telangana state’s Homicide Intervention Team (HIT) and charged with looking into a young girl’s disappearance.
On February 28, 2020, The First Case received a theatrical release and proved to be a successful business venture.
A stand-alone sequel named HIT: The Second Case is scheduled to be out after the movie. Kolanu also directed the Hindi version of The First Case under the same name. The July 2022 release date for both movies is set.
Is HIT: The First Case Based On A True Story?
Yes it is based on a true story of a police officer. The Debut Case’s trailer was revealed by the production team in addition to Rajkummar Rao’s first image and teaser. The engaging video shows Vikram (Rajkummar Rao) balancing his personal life and career as a cop. His wife, Neha (Sanya Malhotra), who is also missing, is discovered after he devotes all of his time and energy to finding the missing girl.
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HIT: The First Case Story
In the Homicide Intervention Team, or “HIT,” Vikram Rudraraju is a police officer for the Telangana Crime Investigation Department. He earns Viswanath, his superior, trust by solving complex cases with his ability to pay attention to even the slightest details. He is exceptionally intelligent and sharp. Neha, a forensic official, and his coworker is the love of his life. Vikram’s close buddy and work colleague Rohit goes with him in the majority of his cases. Abhilash, another officer, and Vikram frequently argue because Abhilash crosses the line with Vikram. Vikram occasionally experiences PTSD as a result of his prior experiences, but he refuses to accept medication since he feels it hinders his talents.
Preethi, a girl, is operating a vehicle on the highway when it stops to the side due to a problem. She contacts her father after Officer Ibrahim stops to assist her after realizing she left her phone at home. When her father arrives to fetch her up, he notices that she has vanished. Ibrahim explains that he mistakenly believed it to be his car because she got into a blue vehicle. Ibrahim doesn’t back down when Preethi’s parents demand something of him; instead, he insults them. Viswanath, who is friends with Preethi’s parents, chooses to suspend Ibrahim for his actions because he doesn’t believe him.
To stop his PTSD bouts, Vikram chooses to take a six-month sabbatical. Vikram gets a call that Neha has vanished after two months. He makes the decision to return to Viswanath and request the case file for Neha’s disappearance, but he is told that Abhilash is handling the matter and cannot give it to him. Vikram makes the decision to question Neha’s colleague Shinde about the situations she has handled over the past two months. Preethi and Neha’s missing person cases are connected by Vikram and Rohit, who conclude that the same individual is responsible for both cases. Vikram makes the decision to look into the matter, asks Srinivas for Preethi’s case, and then takes over the investigation. Abhilash, however, has a feeling that Vikram was Neha’s abductor. When Vikram chooses to visit Preethi’s college, he asks Ajay and Sandhya what occurred the night before, and they both respond by saying that they were in a bar. When Vikram and Rohit question Preethi’s parents about her, they respond that she was living with them and Preethi’s neighbour Sheela about her and that her parents perished in a plane crash. When Vikram and Rohit see Sheela’s blue car and a note that Sheela fabricated revealing the location of Preethi’s corpse, they begin to piece together the case and come to the conclusion that Sheela was abducted Preethi.
HIT: The First Case Directions
The thriller HIT is a film. Sailesh Kolanu, the director, appears to have thoroughly researched the tropes and settings of movies in this genre and structured his own story on them. HIT feels formulaic in its approach as a result. The whole thing seems to miss the organic development, an essential part of thrillers. So, we have set up, a team and the trigger point for a missing person –everything is in place in a well-designed manner.
The investigation’s first half is mainly spent dispelling several red herrings one at a time. It proceeds in a calm and level manner. There are neither highs nor lows, at the same time. The story follows the hints as it moves from one location to another. This lacks the thrilling element. The intermission bang is also treated clearly. At the beginning of the second half, there are a few brief moments that excite us. The inquiry that resulted in a deadlock involving the “DNA,” the many tests that were done on a suspect, and other factors is skillfully carried out. What is lacking at the beginning is a block similar to this, which would have increased the overall impact.
Where To Watch HIT: The First Case?
HIT: The First Case is an Indian thriller movie based on a true event. If you like thriller movies, you can watch them on different streaming platforms like Prime, and Hotstar.