Walker is an American crime action television series that premiered on January 21, 2021, the series is based on the 1993 series Walker, Texas Ranger. The first season of the series had 18 episodes each running for 42 minutes, season 1 received a good reception from the viewers so the makers decided to renew the series for season 2. The series follows the story of a man named Cordell Walker as he tries to find the real culprit behind his wife’s tragic death. The story mostly revolves around Cordell and his friends and family members, he returns to his home town after 11 months of being undercover to reconcile with his two kids who he left in the care of his parents. Cordell’s daughter Stella shows her disappointment in her father after he left her in the care of his grandparents and did not even call her for months. The 1993 series was more action-packed but this remake is more family-focused in comparison to the 90s series, even though it is a remake of the 90’s series the story is slightly different from that one although the characters in both the series remain the same.
Walker Season 2 Episode 19 Release Date
Walker season 2 premiered on 28 October 2021, this season will have 20 episodes. The series is currently ranked at 372 on IMDB’s popularity ranking, it is apparent that many viewers are watching this season. Walker season 2 episode 19 will be released on 19 June 2022 at 8:00 PM (ET) on The CW network, episode 19 will be the second last episode of this season. The series will end this month, The CW has already renewed the series for 3 seasons which will be released somewhere in 2022 or 2023. Fans have to wait until the end of this year to see season 3 to find more answers about the murder of Cordell’s wife and other relevant information. The viewership of the series has seen a drastic fall from the last season, which could be because viewers were interested to see the series because it is a remake and after watching the 1 season the series might not have appealed to the viewers so they discontinued watching the series.
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Walker Season 2 Story
The season 2 begins 3 months later after where it is left in the last season, Cordell, Liam and Trey were doing a race and Cordell ends up winning the race and he asks Liam to pay for the drinks. Cordell tells them that he is meeting with James later so he has to go now and he will try to find some information about him. Cordell suddenly gets a flashback of his younger self when he and his girlfriend used to hide inside the barn and the barn was set on fire Cordell managed to escape it but his girlfriend is left behind. The family sits for morning breakfast and they discuss a lot of things, Abeline reminds Cordell to talk to James and he assures her that remember that and he will talk to captain James and Micki today. Cordell’s father asks him how Micki is doing and he tells him that she is doing fine, In Del Rio, Texas Micki and spider were following towed vehicle Micki somehow manages to get it back. Todd and stell have an early morning fight with another kid because of car parking. This season also follows the family story and some of the flashback stories of Cordell’s younger self.
Walker Season 2 Cast
In season 2 most of the cast from the first season have reprised their respective roles, along with some new cast members.
Jared Padalecki played the role of Cordell Walker, Mason Thames played the role of Young Walker and Lindsey Morgan played the role of Micki Ramirez. Molly Hagan played the role of Abeline Walker Keegan Allen played the role of Liam Walker. Violet Brinson played the role of Stella Walker, Kale Culley played the role of August Walker and Coby Bell played the role of Captain Larry James.
Where To Watch Walker Season 2 Online?
Walker season 2 is streaming on Voot and vi movies & tv in India. The series is streaming on The CW, DIRECTV, FuboTV and Spectrum in the US.
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