Komi Can’t Communicate is a Japanese slice of life manga series, that was released on May 18, 2016, Written by Tomohito Oda and Published by Shogakukan. The manga series has completed 25 volumes as of now, the manga is quite popular among the readers it has gotten one drama adaptation and one anime series adaptation so far. With the growing popularity of manga, viewers can also expect a live-action movie and other such stuff in the future. The series is a combination of romance and comedy to some extent so every gender can have a good time watching, it does not contain any horror or gender inappropriate stuff. The story revolves around Komi Shouko a high school girl who is so pretty that everyone around her looks at her with loving eyes. Then there is this other character named Tadano Hitohito a boy in the same class as komi but he is rather naive and timid. Komi who seems like an ace student at first glance turns out that is not good at communicating rather she is very anxious and can’t seem to hold a conversation or respond to the other person at all. Tadano Hitohito being the kind guy take an initiative to talk with her and when he learns about Komi’s dream to make 100 friends, he assures her that he will help and becomes her first friend in the meantime.
Komi Can’t Communicate Chapter 358 Release Date
The new chapter is released on 01 June 2022, with Komi Can’t Communicate season 2 anime series being released every Saturday fans are hooked to the series and eagerly waiting to read the next chapter of the manga. As we already know with the ongoing anime series popularity, the number of manga readers has also increased in the meantime. Komi Can’t Communicate is also such a manga, the second season of the series is currently being watched by 264K users on My anime list. The anime series is among the topmost watched anime series this season currently ranking at 5 number. The good ranking of the anime series on my anime list has resulted in more manga readers for the following season.
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Komi Can’t Communicate Chapter 358 Story
We won’t spoil you with the story of the new chapter, you can read the new chapter on their official site. We will give you a recap of what happened so far in the manga series. In a well known high school a guy named Tadano Hitohito always wants to go unnoticed but one day he greets his classmate Komi Shouko. This girl absorbs him with a cold look leading without saying anything, Tadano understands that such a beautiful girl like Komi would not like to be involved with a guy like him. In search of a quiet life by coincidence, Tadano ends up sitting next to Komi in the classroom and becomes the envy of the entire class. Komi being the most popular girl in her high school is considered as Madonna of her high school. Contrary to Komi’s popularity Tadano gets hateful looks everywhere, not knowing what to do he ends up getting to know Komi from closure and learns about her inability to communicate with others. Tadano gives a helping hand to Komi by communicating with her and becomes her first friend at high school.
Komi Can’t Communicate Chapter 358 Characters
Komi Shouko is a high school student with a unique aura, she is loved by all her classmates and teachers at her school. At first glance she seems like a very rude person because she never responds to Tadano Hitohito’s greetings, however, in reality, she is very anxious about having any conversation with others and usually responds by writing. She has a dream to make 100 friends, and Tadano Hitohito promises to help with the task by becoming her first friend. Tadano Hitohito is a naive teenage boy, who sits next to Komi Shouko in class. He always greets Komi Shouko with a friendly smile, but she always ignores him. He is the centre of envy in his class and everyone practically hates him because he gets to sit next to Komi Shouko in class.
Where To Read Komi Can’t Communicate Chapter 358?
The manga series is available on komisanmanga.com where the readers can check out the latest release update. They can also purchase manga from the viz official website.
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