The Secret House is an ongoing K-Drama Series focusing on a revenge story that airs every weekday. Directed by Lee Min-soo, the series stars Korean actors namely Seo Ha-jun, Lee Young-eun and Kim Jung-heon in the leading roles. It first premiered on April 1, 2022, and has been on every K-Drama lover’s watchlist ever since. The thriller has received wonderful reviews up until now and after Episode 29 concluded on a cliffhanger, fans cannot wait to know the release date of the next episode. So if you want to know that and many more details about The Secret House’s upcoming episodes, keep reading!
The Secret House Season 2 Release Date
According to the schedule, the upcoming episode of The Secret House is released on 20th May 2022. We will see how Tae Hee and Ji Hwan take Sol to the hospital and do everything required to save her. The story will move forward with a lot of twists and turns in the next episodes and it will surely keep you at the edge of your seat. There is no updates for season 2 yet.
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The Secret House Season 2 Story
The series focuses on a revenge story where a dirt spoon lawyer is seen searching for the traces of his mother who has been missing when he walks into The Secret House. As he enters, it surrounds him to fight the world. The story begins with a detective meeting Ji Hwan and breaking a piece of bad news to him. The news is about the death of his mother. The police tell him that they have found his mother’s dead body but he finds it difficult to accept the dreadful reality and feels Tae Hyung killed his mother. Unable to resist himself he decides to run his car over him to make him feel what his mother must have felt.
However, this gets him in trouble as he is arrested for this assault and loses his license. Even after so much hassle, he refuses to give up and calls the reporters to find the truth about Tae Hung. Soon, he gets a call from his mother and finds out that she is actually alive. Towards the end, Sol also goes missing as they both try to track her down. This is roughly where the previous episodes have concluded. The story consists of many plot points as there are numerous characters involved. They keep getting resolved as the series moves forward. Taking the ongoing plot into consideration, we can safely say that the upcoming episodes are going to be a treat for all The Secret House viewers as the series is at its best stage right now.
The Secret House Season 1 Recap
In the previous episodes, we saw that on getting a call from his mom, Ji Hwan immediately leaves the secret house to track his mother residing place. However, when he soon realises that all the devices have been corrupted by Tae Hyung. Yet he does not give up on his plan and goes to great lengths to find his missing mother. On the other hand, Tae Hee is seen making a visit to sol’s doctor as she finds out that she is compatible to donate her liver to Sol. But in order to do that, she will have to become her mother. In Episode 30, we might see Ji Hwan reuniting with her mother and also what decision Tae Hee takes to save Sol. The previous episodes have left quite a few plot points hanging which will definitely intrigue the viewers to watch the upcoming episodes.
The Secret House Season 2 Cast
The Secret House Season 1 has Seo Ha-Joon and Lee Young-eun in the lead roles along with Kim Jung-heon, Kang Byul and Lee Seung-Yeon playing other significant characters in the series. The K-Drama also stars Yoon Bik-in as Kim, Yoon A-Jung as Woo Min, Park Ye-rin as Usol and Ahn Yong-Joon as Heo Jin-ho. It is directed by Lee Min-soo and created by MBC Drama Division. The characters are incredibly written and performed as they give us all the delirious feelings.
Where To Watch The Secret House Season 1 Online?
The upcoming episode of The Secret House will release on the official Korean channel MBC. As for the global audience, there is no official site to watch the new episodes. However, you can stream the previous episodes of the first season on Watchasian.
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