Heartstopper is a British teenage romance TV series that premiered on April 22, 2022. The series is based on the webcomic of the same name by Alice Oseman. Directed by Euros Lyn, Heartstopper follows the story of a gay high school student named Charlie Spring who starts having a crush on his 11-grade deskmate and popular rugby player named Nick Nelson. The series revolves around how Nick discovers his sexual identity.
The series deals with the hardships of coming out, friendship, finding acceptance and support through your friends, and teenage high school drama. The website itself is quite popular among young people, who find comfort and support through these characters. The series was a massive hit on Netflix within the first week of its release. The series has captured the hearts of audiences all around the world. According to IMDB, 14k users have rated the series 9.1.
Is Heartstopper Based On A True Story?
If you’ve seen the series, you might have noticed how realistic the characters appear and wondered if it was based on a true story. The creator of the series, Alice Oseman, has provided some valid information that hints toward the series’ being inspired by real-life stories. She has said that the characters are partially based on the events and situations she has faced during her school life. Alice Oseman identifies herself as an aromantic and asexual person. She has added the facts that she used to endure at her high school and how many students are also facing the same issue right now. The series highlights bullying and homophobia at Nick and Charlie’s school and what kind of torture Charlie had to go through for being gay. We also see the same issue in Elle’s school when students who used to be friends with Tara and Darcy started avoiding the two and encouraging problematic comments towards them after Tara came out as a lesbian and made her relationship with Darcy public.
We can conclude that the series is not based on a true story but rather partially inspired by true events that every high school student faces because of being a part of the LGBTQ community. Viewers have found the series story very relatable to those of other LGBTQ high school students who have to face bullies on a day-to-day basis and how their lives become miserable because of these so-called bullies who hamper their self-confidence and make their high school lives traumatic in every sense.
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Heartstopper Release Date
The trailer for the series was released on April 13, 2022, and has gained 2.7 million views. Netflix dropped the series on April 22, 2022. It has eight episodes, each running for about 30 minutes. The series has many dedicated fans even before the series started because the webtoon and novel are extremely popular. It has received a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes, where the critics always bash every other series that gets released each month. It looks like Heartstopper is going to climb the ladder and become an iconic series this year as the characters have managed to charm the audience with their immaculate performance.
Heartstopper Cast
Joe Locke played the character Charlie Spring. A tenth-grade high school student falls in love with rugby player Nick Nelson. Kit Connor played the character of Nick Nelson. An eleven grader Who takes the same subject as Charlie Spring and befriends him and finds a love interest in him. Yasmin Finney played the character of Elle Argent. One of Charlie’s friends changed her gender and got admitted to a girls’ school. William Gao played the character of Tao Xu. Charlie’s friend fights the bully for him and always protects him from others. Tobie Donovan played the character of Isaac Henderson.
Charlie’s friend, who keeps him occupied with books and always supports Charlie in everything. Corinna Brown played the character of Tara Jones. One of the most popular girls at her high school and Elle’s friend who later comes out as a lesbian and makes her relationship with Darcy public. Tori Spring was portrayed by Jenny Walser. She is Charlie Spring’s mysterious sister, who always supports him and gives him relationship and friendship advice. Darcy Olsson was portrayed by Kizzy Edgell. Tara’s best friend and love interest later became Elle’s friend.
Where To Watch Heartstopper
Heartstopper is currently streaming on Netflix globally.
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