The Amazing World of Gumball (abridged TAWOG or just Gumball) is a Cartoon Network cartoon sitcom created by Ben Bocquelet. Gumball Watterson, a 12-year-old blue cat, and his goldfish closest mate and adoptive brother Darwin, a 10-year-old goldfish, attend middle school in the fictional place of Elmore, California. They frequently find themselves involved in various antics throughout the city, during which they engage with other family members—younger sister Anais, mother Nicole, and father Richard—as well as an extensive ensemble cast of individuals.
Gumball is known for its deliberate stylistic dissonance, with characters developed, filmed, and animated in a variety of styles and techniques, frequently within the same scenario. The program has gained rave reviews and a loyal following, with a particular appreciation for its copious connections to popular and online culture, sarcasm, subtle innuendos, and dark humor. Though Gumball is a family comedy, it also addresses serious issues such as psychology, relationships, cyberbullying, ideological intolerance, psychiatric disorder, and the humanistic approach.
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 7 Release Date
The Amazing World of Gumball has not yet been officially renewed for another season by Cartoon Network. The release date for the season of The Amazing World of Gumball has not been set. Ben Bocquelet, the series creator, announced intentions for a feature film based on the story in an interview with The Times newspaper. However, after announcing his resignation from the show at the end of the sixth season, Bocquelet remarked that he doubted a film would be created.
There is no set release date for the new season as of March 2022. This does not imply that the show has been canceled. The program may be on hiatus, and the following season has yet to be confirmed or scheduled.
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 1 Release Date | May 3, 2011 |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 2 Release Date | August 7, 2012 |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 3 Release Date | June 5, 2014 |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 4 Release Date | July 7, 2015 |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 5 Release Date | September 1, 2016 |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 6 Release Date | January 5, 2018 |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 7 Release Date | Not Announced |
Amazing World Of Gumball Season 7 Story
Gumball Watterson, a 12-year-old cat, and his regular hijinks in the fictitious American city of Elmore are the focus of the series, which is supported by his adopted goldfish brother and best buddy Darwin. Gumball’s other family members, including his smart sister Anais voiced by Kyla Rae Kowalewski and stay-at-home father Richard, voiced by Dan Russell, both rabbits, and industrious mother Nicole voiced by Teresa Gallagher, a cat, are directly engaged in Gumball’s adventures. Gumball goes to a school with his siblings at Elmore Junior High, where throughout the book he engages with his different middle school students, most noticeably his love interest Penny Fitzgerald.
“The Void,” a dimension inside Elmore where all the universe’s mistakes live, has been a key component of the series since its third season. This contains references to aspects of a situation as well as things from the series. Rob is a background character from the very first two seasons who became “meaningless” and became imprisoned in The Void. He eventually escapes in Season 3, becoming Gumball’s enemy and main opponent. In the Season 4 episode “The Disaster,” he is shown to be conscious of his fictional existence, and his animosity for Gumball stems from his role as the protagonist.
Amazing World Of Gumball Reviews
The Amazing World of Gumball was well-received by critics. In a positive review, Variety’s Brian Lowry praised the series as “primarily a really smart perspective on household dysfunction and first-rate absurdity.” There are few instances of mainstream children’s shows as wildly inventive, as artistically and narrative form bold, as The Amazing World of Gumball, wrote Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly.
On February 17, 2021, WarnerMedia stated that a television film titled The Amazing World of Gumball movie was in the works. On September 21, 2021, Cartoon Network announced that the planned film, The Amazing World of Gumball: The Movie!, has been officially greenlit, with original series creator Ben Bocquelet functioning as director and executive producer. The plot revolves around Gumball’s greatest fan discovering a lost episode of the tv series and inadvertently establishing a link that connects Gumball’s cartoon universe to his own. After encountering the protagonists, he’ll join forces with Gumball, Richard, Darwin, Anais, and Nicole to save Elmore from a malevolent threat threatening the community.
Where to Watch Amazing World Of Gumball?
Amazing World Of Gumball is available on Netflix, Cartoon Network, and Hulu. The series premiered on Cartoon Network UK on May 2, 2011, 1 day prior it aired in the United States. The show premiered on Boomerang from December 1, 2014, to October 23, 2015, and again from February 1, 2016, until April 2, 2017, before ceasing to air.