‘Rocket Boys’, is an Indian historical event-based series, that dramatize the event and lives of Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai, the two discoverers of modern science and technology in India. This series highlights the lives of their professional achievements but not just that, the series also explores their friendship and personal life. You’d be mistaken if you were to think that science lives are all work and no play. However, a lot of people have been wondering how much the series borrows from real life if any at all.
Rocket Boys is written and directed by Indian writer/Director Abhay Pannu. As a young man returning from Britain during World War II, young Sarabhai joins Homi Bhabha’s atomic research unit with the ambition of one day sending a rocket into outer space.
Rocket Boys is directed by Abhay Pannu and starred Jim Sarbha, Ishwak Singh, and Regina Cassandra in the leading roles. This web show was made under the banner of Roy Kapur Films and Emmay Entertainment and made by Siddharth Roy Kapur, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and Nikkhil Advani.
Is The Rocket Boys Based On True Story?
So, if the answer is short, yes, this series is based on a true story. How? Well, let’s find out.
In the concept note, Abhay Koranne expressed his desire to capture the extraordinary dynamic between two remarkable men – Homi Jehangir Bhabha and Vikram Ambala Sarabhai. This notion was developed by writer and director Abhay Pannu. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Physics five-time between the period of time of 1951 to 1956, and is often referred to as “the father of the Indian Nuclear Program.” He was the founder of the Tata institution of fundamental Research (TIFR) and also a nuclear physicist.
On the other hand, Physicist and astronomer Sarabhai – aka “Father of the Indian Space program” – is credited for spearheading space research and the development of nuclear power in India. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan, the third-highest civilian honor in India, in 1966. In 1972, the Padma Vibhushan, the second-highest civil honor, was posthumously awarded to Sarabhai.
Their meticulous research included biopics of famous from the academic world like “A Beautiful Mind” and “The Imitation Game”, and “The Theory of Everything”, as well as non-fiction books about Bhabha and Sarabhai, written works, speeches, and letters. As a result, the series team ensured historical accuracy to the fullest extent possible.
Rocket Boys Story
The series Rocket Boys tells the story of India’s first encounter with destiny and freedom. It features India’s first space program and nuclear weapon. It also tells the story of India’s first batch of brilliant scientists who helped set the country on the path of “Atmanirbharta”: this word is used earnestly by one of the protagonists. Beginning with a snapshot of the departing British rulers, we learn how a messy, chaotic, but free country is coasting on ancient wisdom while lacking so many bare necessities.
The India V. Sarabhai and Homi Bhabha wanted to bring forward is India, where Bijli(which means Electricity), Sadak(which means Road), Paani(which means Water), and much more will be a reality for every Indian home. These pioneers dreamed big, exploring and expanding the frontiers of science and space for the greater good of their country. They were not only men of vision and imagination, but also great patriots. Both Homi and Vikram come from privileged backgrounds and know how to use their connections to achieve their goals. Homi’s father Jehangir is a respected lawyer who lives with his gracious wife in a luxurious Bombay mansion; Vikram’s family owns textile mills in Gujarat.
Vikram, who successfully pursues Mrinalini Sarabhai (Regina Cassandra, also very good), the gorgeous Bharatnatyam dancer, has a penchant for straying. These weaknesses give the man a real human being and not just admirable figures who managed to construct India’s first nuclear reactor and launch its first rocket into space.
Ishwak, who has a slightly more understanding of the role, fills it with easy-going conviction, despite coming off as a little bland at times. Sarbh can show his flamboyant side like there’s no tomorrow.