A Manga series whose illustration is done by Yasuki Tanaka summertime rendering is anime television series that is set to be released in the year 2022. Between October 2017 and February 2021 over 13 volumes of this Manga series were published by the author. Directed by Ayumu Watanabe, the Anime show is written by Hiroshi Seko. So if you are interested in shows with beautiful sceneries but carry dark secrets deep within themselves and also have some Bruce Lee-style martial arts then you make sure to bet on this series which may release anytime in 2022.
Summer Time Rendering Release Date
There has been no official announcement from the side of the main cause regarding the release of the summertime rendering. But according to our sources, it has been confirmed that the Anime may release in the summer of 2022. The reason behind this theory is that in Japan most of the new seasons of Anime are released either in summer or in Winter. Considering the name of the Anime show it is presumed that it may release in the summer of 2022. So what are you waiting for?? Just wait for a couple of months to experience the dark secrets hidden within the pleasant natural beauty!
Summer Time Rendering Plot
When Shinpei returns to her home after listening about Ushio’s death which happened in Wakayama city on Hitogashima. She attends the funeral peacefully but as the story proceeds, she comes to know no that the death of her friend is not a mere coincidence but it is a whole planned plot that was set to be exposed by Ushio. She realized soon that something fishy was brewing up on the island. Now she has to accomplish two tasks. The first one is that she has to find the culprit who has murdered his friend and along with it she also has to expose the big picture which is hiding behind the murder of her friend. The underlying mystery of something being fishy happening around is one of the best traits of this storyline of manga series. Even if the best of the scenes are all around, the audience will focus on the missing thing, not the scenery, that’s the grip of the storyline on the audience.
Summer Time Rendering Characters
Because the Anime series is based on the Manga adaptation of Yasuki Tanaka, the characters that are gonna appear in the Anime series are pre-decided. The one thing which is not certain for now is that who is gonna voiceover these characters. The characters that will appear in the anime series Summer Time rendering with tentative voiceover artists are as follows-
- Shinpei Ajiro,Voiced by: Natsuki Hanae
- Ushio Kofune, Voiced by: Anna Nagar
- Mio Kofune,Voiced by: Saho Shirasu
- Tokiko Hishigata
- Sou Hishigata
- Shiori Kobayakawa
- Aka Hiruko
- Hizuru Minamikata
- Nezu Ginjirou
- Seidou Hishigata
- Masahito Karikiri
- Alan Kofune
- Shidehiko Hishigata
- Tetsu Totsumura
- Ryuunosuke Minamikata
- Asako Isokane / Asako Kobayakawa
- Tatsuo Kobayakawa
- Chitose Hishigata
Summer Time Rendering Trailer
The authorities of production have not released a single extended clip of the Anime to date. Only an introductory trailer of the anime was released on 13 October 2020 on the youtube channel of Animeotaku.
So, friends, these were some updates regarding the release date of the Summer Time Rendering anime. Hope the blog was informative to all of you and provided you with progressive info. To keep us motivated, subscribe to the Liveakhbar page and read some of the best blogs of our page by clicking on the links below!