The Manga series has been gaining more recognition than the trailer and heist shows. Well, there is another show which has been on the list of the Manga series called Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens. The show is an adaptation of the Japanese novel written by Chiaki Kisaki. Before the release of the show, the Manga illustration of this novel was done by Hako Ichiro. The novel was such a hit that it got its acclamation by winning the grand prize at the 20th Dengeki Novel Awards. Considering the success of the novel, the satellite studios bought the rights for the distribution of the show as an anime series. Well, the show is directed by a single person named Kenji Yasuda, there are a bunch of people who have produced this anime series. Some of them are Tomoyuki Ōwada, Hirotaka Kaneko, Takema Okamura, Masaru Seto, Noriko Dohi and many more. The first season of the show was premiered on January 12 2018 on famous Japanese channels like AT- X, Tokyo MX, and BS 11.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Season 2 Release Date
Unfortunately neither there has been any official announcement from the side of makers regarding the release of the second season of this show nor the AT- X network has decided to pick up the show for the second season. This update might be disappointing for the followers of Hakata tonkotsu ramens season 2 but that’s the update for now and no one knows when a good studio comes forward to renew the show for the second season. For now, we have to just wait and watch until the show is picked up by any big studio.
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Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Season 2 Plot
The first season of the Hakata tonkotsu ramens ended on a conclusive note that’s why there is almost zero probability for the plot of season 2 of the show to be decided and considered by the makers. Even the show was decided not to be renewed for the second season because it was not liked by the viewers for its first season. These are the factors on which the renewal of the show depends – the first one of them is a good plot the next one is the popularity of the show after its release and the third thing is the viewership after 6 months of its release. The makers of the show observed all of these aspects for a year and after that amount of time, they concluded that they should not risk their production on such a flop show.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Season 1 Recap
The first season of the Hakata tonkotsu ramens revolved all-around a detective named Zenji Banba who runs his own detective agency which is known by the name Banba detective office. There is also a reason behind this unique name of the show because the lead character of the show likes the tonkotsu ramens. Apart from pet name he also acquires the hidden name of an assassin known as the niwaka samurai. The second lead character of the show is Lin Xianming who joins with Zenji to find the murderer of her sister. In gist, we can say that the show is all around finding the murderers of innocent people by our talented detective Zenji Banba.
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Season 2 Characters
Keeping aside all the shit we come to a conclusion that the second season of Hakata tonkotsu ramens is not going to be released soon. Since there is no plot decided for the second season of the show there are no definite characters that may appear in the second season of the show. When we make assumptions we can assume that if the second season of the show is made, then it would be incomplete without our lead detective who likes tonkotsu ramens. So so I would assume that the characters of season 1 would be repealed in the second season as well which are as follows-
- Zenji Banba
- Lin Xianming
- Kazuki Saitō
- Enokida
- Jirō
- Misaki
- José Martínez
- Tamato
- Saeki
- Naoya Nittu
- Chegaru
- Siva
- Irasawa
- Feilang
Here were some updates regarding the second season of the Hakata tonkotsu Raymonds season 2. Stay tuned to our page for more updates. Click on the links below to read some of the best articles on our Liveakhbar page.
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