Maya and the three is a Mexican animated television series that premiered on Netflix. In Spanish show translates to Maya y Los tres. Maya and the three are created by Jorge R Gutiérrez who also serves as the writer and director of the show. Tangent Animation has produced and worked on the animation of the show. Maya and the three hold an excellent 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes with good reviews from both audiences and critics praising the story and animation style. It has 9 episodes with a total of 26 to 44 minutes per episode in length. Maya and the three have received a huge amount of praise not only for its animation but the story it projected where the glory of indigenous communities was shown to the audience, usually the Latin American indigenous population does not get that much attention in the mainstream media but shows like Maya and the three brings these stories to us.
Maya And The Three Release Date
Reports related to the development of a Mexican animated series by Netflix emerged in November 2018 which was then confirmed by the creator and director Jorge R Gutiérrez who termed the show as an animated Mexican version of “lord of the rings” but with fun. The first 2 episodes of the show served as the closing for Guadalajara Film Festival on 9th October 2021 and all the episodes were released on Netflix on 22nd October 2021. Maya and the three is a limited series and as of now, there have been no official announcements made regarding the new season but seeing the good response of the first season and the critical acclaim it has received we can say that there would be a second season that would focus on further adventures of Maya and the three warriors that would save the humanity from more evils to come.
Maya And The Three Story
Story of Maya and the three is set in Mesoamerica where various indigenous cultures flourished all these cultures strongly believed in god’s and there wreath if something wrong happens. Maya is a warrior princess of one such indigenous community who is celebrating her fifteenth birthday but underworld gods appear and warns Maya that she must repay her family’s from the past where they killed many people to capture territories or gods would take control of the entire humanity, she embarks on a quest where on the way she meets three warriors who would help her defeat these gods and save humanity.
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Maya And The Three Recap
Maya the warrior princess is celebrating her fifteenth birthday when a not so special guest comes, he is the underworld god and tells about the shocking revelation about Maya’s origins and gives her a warning. Now Maya embarks on a journey where she must find three warriors who will help her defeat the gods and save humanity. Maya goes to Luna island where she was looking for Rooster wizard but meets a very ordinary-looking Rocco who actually is the greatest wizard ever lived. Maya and Rocco are searching for the skull archer and meet a highly talented warrior Chimi. A mountain barbarian Picchu joins Maya as the third and final member of the squad now Lord Mictalin’s army attacks the kingdom but Maya and her squad attack back. Maya and her warriors against a sea of armies, to know the conclusion watch Maya and the three on Netflix.
Maya And The Three Cast
Zoe Saldana voices princess Maya. Gabriel Iglesias voices Picchu. Diego Luna voices Zatz the Prince of bats. Alfred Molina voices Lord Mictlan. Allen Maldonado voices Rico . Stephanie Beatriz voices Chimi.
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