Jujitsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series. It is written by Gege Akutami. It is published by Shueisha and released in seventeen volumes. The story follows a high school student boy named Yuji Itadori, who wants to kill Rayomen Sukuna. For this, he joins a secret sorcerer organization. The genre of this series is adventure, dark fantasy, and supernatural. Its English publisher is Viz Media. Its anime television series is written by Hiroshi Seko and directed by Sunghoo Park. It is released on the JNN network.
Jujitsu Kaisen Chapter 165 Release Date
Volume 1 has seven chapters, released on July 4, 2018, Volume 2 have four chapters, released on September 4, 2018, Volume 3 have four chapters, released on December 4, 2018, Volume 4 have four chapters, released on March 4, 2019, Volume 5 have four chapters, released on May 2, 2019, Volume 6 have four chapters, released on July 4, 2019, Volume 7 have four chapters, released on October 4, 2019, Volume 8 and Volume 9 have four chapters, released on January 4, 2020, Volume 10 have four chapters, released on March 4, 2020, Volume 11 have four chapters, released on June 4, 2020, Volume 12 have four chapters, released on August 4, 2020, Volume 13 have four chapters, released on October 2, 2020, Volume 14 have four chapters, released on January 4, 2021, Volume 15 have four chapters, released on March 4, 2021, Volume 16 have four chapters, released on June 4, 2021, and Volume 17 have five chapters, released on October 4, 2021.
It got 8.7 ratings out of 10 on IMDb and 87% on Filmy Ratings. Now the audience is looking ahead for its Ch 164, everyone is guessing the release date. So yes, the wait is finally over. It’s Ch 164 is coming in November; though it is late too. But still, the suspense will be over now.
Jujitsu Kaisen Chapter 165 Story Plot
In the story of Jujutsu Kaisen, it is shown that all living beings release energy called Cursed Energy which arises from negative emotions. This causes the upbringing of negativity which causes harm to humans. Jujutsu Sorcerers are the people who control the flow of cursed and evil energy. Everyone has their own special trick and technique. Yuji Itadori is a high school student boy who lives with his old and sick grandfather. He avoids the track team sport and decides to join the Occult Research Club. His grandfather is in the hospital and critical.
He goes to the hospital to see his dying grandfather. Before his grandfather’s death, he told Yuji two important messages: “always help people” and “die surrounded by people”. He then met Megumi Fushiguro, a sorcerer who can control curse animals called “shikigami”. At the Jujitsu training school, Yuji becomes friends with Megumi and Nobara Kugisaki who is a 4talented jujutsu sorcerer from Morioka. Yuji continues to learn the special tricks and techniques of cursed ones. One day, he was also attacked by the cursed evil but was saved. He and Megumi then fight with different cursed evils to stop the negativity.
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Jujitsu Kaisen Chapter 165 Story Prediction
In the upcoming chapter, we will see the fight between Yuji and Higurama. We definitely don’t know the powers, tricks, and techniques they both have and will use in the fight. Yuji so is following his grandfather’s tradition and now became the Jujitsu sorcerer.
Jujitsu Kaisen Chapter 165 Characters
Yuji Itadori is a high school student of average height, slender physique, light brown eyes with pink hair. Satoru Gojo is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Megumi Fushiguro is a tall boy having light green eyes and dark blue hair. Kiyotaka Ijichi is a proper jujutsu sorcerer who is very serious about his work. Masamichi Yaga is a serious type of individual and an educator. Nobara Kugisaki is a confident, young, pretty, and strong fighter.
Jujitsu Kaisen Chapter 165 Awards and Nominations
Jujitsu Kaisen won the Young Entertainer (Artist) Award under the category of Best Music Director in 2020. Jujutsu Kaisen won the Anime of the Year award under the category of Anime of The Year, Best Antagonist, and Best Ending in 2021. It is also nominated with Anime Award under the category of Best Boy, Best Protagonist, Best Animation, Best Director, Best Fight Scene, Best Opening, and Best VA Performance (Japanese) in 2021.
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